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GTA ChinaTown Wars: Give your Opinions!

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by rush n kaos, Mar 16, 2009.

  1. rush n kaos

    rush n kaos Well-Known Member

    i'm just curious, and want to get opinions of the ones that managed to make it work

    for me, it was actually rather fun, although this is coming from someone who hasn't played any of the other ones (hence no comparison). it's playable, very few lags (only if you get like a crapload of cars in one screen), map is pretty big, decent minigames, said minigames aren't tedious or mega long (like the hijacking car thing only has to be done on certain parked cars, not some random one on the road), easy to learn, and pretty good controls.

    and if you're blind, or too lazy to search up the help thread about how to work the thing, here it is. read it, learn it, and know it.

    PS: if there is already a thread discussing what people think about the game (not how to get it to work, etc...), please point me in that direction
  2. 00Davo

    00Davo Well-Known Member

    I haven't played other GTA games either, but so far, I'm loving Chinatown Wars. The map is big, the cel-shading looks nice, evading the police is fun, and you can use a fire engine's high-pressure hose to push people over.
  3. GotSlapped

    GotSlapped New Member

    On the same boat. I haven't played any GTA games except at my friends house. I think the graphics are pretty good and the map is good for DS.
  4. Josh241294

    Josh241294 Well-Known Member

    I have only played the following:
    ~GTA: Vice City
    ~GTA: San Andreas
    ~GTA: Liberty and Vice City Stories
    ~GTA IV
    And now...the awesome GTA Chinatown Wars. It brings back a ton of memories back from the first one, and adds the crime-filled map from IV, and Liberty City Stories. I'd say this is my second best GTA game i've played. Great map, graphics (for the DS), Great fun. A must-download (or buy) for anyone, except for the people that CAN'T. Well, you can always break the rules, like Huang Lee, right?
  5. Nintendude92

    Nintendude92 Well-Known Member

    I had my doubts about a GTA for DS. I'm glad my worries were unfound, cuz this game is amazing.

    I've played GTA 3, vice city, San andreas and 4.

    If you want to be pessimistic, you'll complain that its a top down view.
    If you wanna be optimistic, you'll mention how the top down view makes the enviroment look x10 better.

    The gameplay is just as addicting.
  6. rush n kaos

    rush n kaos Well-Known Member

    it's quite fun evading the cops in this, i agree. i would just go steal a police car and ram other cops at full speed, then when it blows up i take another one ;D
    the top view makes the game less 'violent' if you know what i mean. and i like that.
  7. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    I've got to say, I didn't expect the handheld version to be THIS fun... :p I really like it and am playing it A LOT... But My favourites are GTA San Andreas, GTA 4, and I am probably adding this one to the list.
  8. kitsune_kage

    kitsune_kage New Member

    i personally give this game a 9.5.... minus a .5 because there can be some visual problems like parts of the screens going blank while driving at full speed in a car (i end up hitting a building because i can't see where i'm going)...

    this is an extremely addictive game, funny satire and commentary on criminal life, and something that i thought wouldn't work with the DS... this game takes the DS to its limits...
  9. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    lol exactly.. I forgot to rate it :p so i give it a 9 for being so addictive and graphics are not bad either :D
  10. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    The game is very fun. The content shocks me for the ds (a hooker said something about "eat my pie") but other than that I love it!

    One thing I can't figure out, though, is how to get in those armored cars and take them back to your house. I got in one once, but I don't know how (it blew up a minute later)
  11. harjaz

    harjaz Well-Known Member

    No, get a Dukes or Stallion, they are both cars with very fast acceleration plus an extremely heavy weight, so they go as fast as other cars, but hit with the power of a truck at full speed. Bit hard to find sometimes, but worth it. They are also really fun to just drive, but for pure speed I'd go with the Turismo or Infernus (only found one so far)
  12. rush n kaos

    rush n kaos Well-Known Member

    i JUST figured that one out. okay, what i suggest is make sure you're not TOO far from safe house. now steal a car, and drive alongside it, then empty an uzi clip on it. stop when it just starts to smoke, and the driver will jump out with a shotgun. now you can get in. only problem is, by this time it's taken a lotta damage. so try not to attract cops or run into stuff :)

    if it catches fire, run like hell. cause it blows up like a few seconds later
  13. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    So filling it with lead IS the best option. I guess my Molotovs are overkill... and explosion prone (imagine that!)
  14. rush n kaos

    rush n kaos Well-Known Member

    no really? ;D Molotovs were the first thing i tried too, but i accidentally set myself on fire hahah
    i suggest getting at least 5-7 clips on an Uzi before trying it, as you know, your aim goes like always goes towards pedestrians first, if a cop tries to bust you then you can kill him before he pins you out of the car, and cause the Ammu-Nation driver has body armor and like i said, a shotgun
  15. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    lol where did you find a Turismo/Infernus? :p

    And is anyone at that mission (working for one of your friend's dad) where you have to drive this big heavy loaded truck with gas to burn down a mafia's hideout? everytime I drive that thing, it explodes after like 1 second...
  16. CarnageMayhem

    CarnageMayhem Member

    Excellent GTA game, i wonder how it didnt got banned for everything... lol (c'mon, drugs, spicy lines, hookers, some "revealing" garbage, Rockstar is just an outlaw...)

    And for that particular mission, just drive at full speed as soon as you get on, since the tank has a leak... a leak you can see as a big flame behind the truck...

    Just a must have, even for those that havent played a gta before and got a ds on their hands.
  17. Noop

    Noop Member

    Great game, a little short though.
  18. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    Noop, you beat it already! That's dedication! The thing brags 20+ hours!!!
  19. Noop

    Noop Member

    20+ hours? Wtf. That can't be right. My total playing time is a little under 8 hours, and I'm pretty sure I beat the story.

    Am I missing something? I've been sick the past few days so I've been playin' this to get my mind off things. I find it hard to believe I sped through the game, I spent a lot of time making money sellin' drugs lol.
  20. HughsufIslam

    HughsufIslam New Member

    I have played every GTA released so far, and I have to say, this is the second worst one. That being said, every GTA game I've ever played it brilliant, :p This game is great! I got the rom earlier, and I really enjoy it. Considering buying a DS again just to buy this and Zelda. I'm impressed.