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Discussion in 'Introductions' started by GenoNyght, Feb 19, 2010.

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  1. GenoNyght

    GenoNyght Member

    I usually don't make a point to go through introductions when I join new forums, but I have a feeling that I'll be around here often. So I figure I might as well greet this community in the terse way I usually address things.

    Hello, I'm GenoTheNyghtmare, but I go by GenoNyght for short. Or GenocideNyghtTerrors for long, but no even uses that one because it's more just me playing around with the name. I suppose if I wanted to address anything else immediately I would, but it is extremely late where I am now, so I'll save the rest of the talk for later. ;D
  2. jc0808

    jc0808 Member

    greetings we come in pieces :p
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