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great guide from my experience getting outdoor expidition guide

Discussion in 'Sports' started by sishunter, Apr 24, 2008.

  1. sishunter

    sishunter Member


    dear romulation users

    read this tip this will be save your trip when you are going expidition
    i make this guide so everyone that wants to make expedition trip
    this guide is for you from my experience i been on mountains , hills , sea and river

    ok so heres the list do and donts

    mountains/forest hiking

    mountain,hills and forest guide

    when doing a expedition on hills or mountain especially hiking bring proper shoe that will fit
    your travel theres two type of shoe that you have to watch out one never bought high
    technology out door shoe in other words expensive why i said that in my personal
    opinion you will get slipped off on rocks or even worst terrain on that forest sometimes
    mountains has rough road bring flexible shoe or light shoe that fit on running and climbing. other shoe that not
    fit for climbing and running dont wear flat shoe this will ruin your feet when you fall like i said wear a shoe
    that fit your travels

    dont talk too many offensive words when you doing mountain forest hiking or to go camping
    on random location heres what my grand father teaches me when you on the mountain
    smell the earth three times and ask the spirit on the entrance before you do mountain expedition
    to ask their protection this will bring respect to the forest spirit or the mountain spirit believe
    me this superstitous crap save my life i almost fall into narrow path that has rivers usefull tip.

    when crossing unkown river always watchout leeches wear protective anti leech socks this
    will avoid your feet bleeding , blood attracts leeches it doesnt depend on the river leeches
    are everywhere on the mountain trials believe me i got bitten by 10 leeches during my
    expedition on mountains with my friends.

    well thats the end of mountain , hills and forest expidition or camping

    sea kayaking and sailing expidition

    this is a tip i learn from my friends when i first time when im doing on this expidition

    1. bring sun lotion i know you guys hate sun lotion trust me my skin all burned up because of my stuborness
    2. sunglasses not only cool on sea but it protects your eye
    3 . hat if you creative put a cloth behind the hat to protect your back neck!

    ugh i wish i can write more detail guide but this is a bit experience tht will help you on your trip

    last but not least when doing a expedition always be ready at any time
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    there's no need for it all to be underlined.

    I might do a one on safety in the African Bush if I can be bothered. And if I can remember my ranger training from 3 years ago
  3. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Yeah you're not writing it on paper. I went hiking on Arthur's Pass with other people from my school (you chose which camp you wanted to go on) for camp, and we went pass Whisky falls etc. All this was from Lake Rotoiti here in New Zealand. It took 7 hours there and back. Don't know if that counts though. Oh well :D

    Then near at the end of the year, my proper class camp was there as well, and we did it again :)

    Nice tips though :) I wore jandals for the first half going on the hike :)
  4. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Here's my tips for if you're planning to join a lengthy walk, such as a Pilgrimage to a church that's far away on Lenten week, or if there happens to be an announced transport strike, or you're joining a marching rally against your corrupt country leaders, or if you just feel like it.

    1 Plan ahead, on the day of your walk, prepare everything you'll probably need, like drinking water, take only water not juice or soda, that'll just up your thirst level, I can't say if sports drink are fine 'cause I've never drank that shit

    2 Psyche yourself up, be mentally & emotionally prepred don't do this if you're the kind of person who tends to whine a lot when pressured too much

    3 Know thy trail, get yourself familiarized with the roads, alleys, streets passages & the general area you'll be traversing so you can plan ahead & designate pitstops or rest areas. Can't just pee or crap anywhere where it isn't allowed or you can't just take a break in a cool shady looking area without knowing if that place is a hang out for muggers, hold uppers or even rapists

    4 Wear strong sturdy shoes that are specially designed for long distance walking but are light & easy to move around with. Don't sport off your expensive Gucci shoes just to show off, that's really REALLY retarded. And if you're like me who really enjoys walking 10 to a max of 50 kilometers for fun & want to add additional resistance, wear Deisel shoes!!

    5 Pace yourself, you are just walking really so why not pace yourself to what's tolerable for you. Sure you may think walking a 5 kilometer walk can take you about 45 minutes, but why not speed up to cut down a few minutes or ease up & add more, you've got to know your limits

    6 Cancel out everything you see & hear. Focus yourself at the task at hand, you are walking busy city streets or back roads here & are not on an African safari, so don't stop to look at the scenery, 'cause you've probably seen it before

    7 Lastly, enjoy your walk :D