So, I'm thinking of buying an Microsoft Xbox360 and I was wondering. Are there any great games you could recommend me. I enjoy JRPG's (Western RPG's sometimes. Like Fallout 3.), Platformers, adventure games, hack & slash games. So any games from any of those genres you might recommend?
The Xbox 360 is full of games, especially JRPGs. Just going by my personal Xbox 360 RPG library, I'll list them from best to worst (My personal opinion). Tales of Vesperia Lost Odyssey Star Ocean The Last Hope Last Remnant Blue Dragon Eternal Sonata Echanted Arms Spectral Foce 3
If you like fallout 3 then you will love Borderlands, almost exactly like it (except that it has awesome co-op and cartoonish looking graphics, both of which I see as a plus) also, try GTA IV, Left for Dead, and Army of Two... all amazing
Mass Effect Oblivion Fallout 3 Dragon Age: Origins All good action-rpg styled games. But personally I would get all of them for the PC over the Xbox. My game of Oblivion was ruined by bugs. NPCs wander around in the game and get ambushed by bandits, even when you are no where around. I had a certain thieves guild NPC wander off into the forest and get killed by bandits, and this made it impossible for me to continue through the Thieves Guild quest. If I played on the PC, I could fix the bug with the debug console in game. Mass Effect was improved upon with the PC release. Dragon Age is more suited for play with a keyboard and numerous shortcuts. Fallout 3 has the same issues as Oblivion (it's essentially the same game, just with guns). The PC opens up so many more possibilities with these games. The companies release official game patches for the PC, and rarely for the console versions. These patches fix very important bugs, and are nice to have.
Exclusive? GeoW II Halo Wars (give it a try) Fable II 'Splosion Man South Park TD As a ps3 owner, I would like to see these games at its library so...