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Graphics--- >:(

Discussion in 'Non-Emulation Help' started by luke_bamford7, Jun 5, 2007.

  1. luke_bamford7

    luke_bamford7 Member

    They dont wanna bloody work with all my DS roms---anybody kno if i can update my graphics or even wat the problem is?
  2. zerozangel

    zerozangel Well-Known Member

    Can you explain more about your problem like what is the situation and why isn't your graphics working? Graphcis as in your graphics card????
  3. luke_bamford7

    luke_bamford7 Member

    as in the game loads, but the visual images of the game can't be seen ??? any ideas?
  4. zerozangel

    zerozangel Well-Known Member

    is this on your ds ? or an emulator also if you wanna come on irc we have some experts on that can help you =D if you dont know how to get on irc theres a tutorial here =D but if you dont wanna go on irc just post it here =D.

    Irc Tutorial Link:https://www.romulation.org/forum/index.php/topic,797.0.html
  5. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    If you're trying to emulate a DS game then you're probably out of luck. DS emulation is rarely very good so chances are that the game you're (trying to) emulating isn't emulated properly yet.
  6. luke_bamford7

    luke_bamford7 Member

    Thanks anyway guys, i'll make a post if i find a good emulator