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Grand Theft Auto - China town wars problem

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by angelofthenorth, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. angelofthenorth

    angelofthenorth New Member

    Hey Folks just a lil query need help tbh via advice a link or software etc..

    I downloaded GTA chinatown EU/USA on Euro server and installed them, reason i downloaded both was because when the game installed n i played it,I could only get to the auto save menu say yes then the screen would go black n stay liek that alomost like it froze.I downlooaded both games like stated.

    Just need help so i can download and play cuz i really love GTA series id like to enjoy it on my DS also Im workin off a NDSTT card never had problems with any other games i download.

    any ideas????

    PS would it make a difference if i downloaded either EU or USA on American Server other then Euro Server??
  2. CSL00

    CSL00 Well-Known Member

    It takes a while for the game to create the auto save file but no more than 30 seconds (i too thought it froze on my R4), try to use the latest firmware for your card, if it doesn't work you'll need to patch the game (for that refer to the original thread), if that too doesn't work you'll need to get a DSTT compatible version of YSmenu (it was what got GTA:CW working on my R4).
  3. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member


    Fixes the Anti-Piracy

    No, they are exactly the same.