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Got my R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe Edition carts and working, but......

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by angusangus, Nov 29, 2013.

  1. angusangus

    angusangus Well-Known Member

    Hi all, well I got my R4i carts in the post a couple of days ago but only just had time to look at them.

    I can report that by following the instructions on the site, the 3DS ROMs that I have tried, definitely work, but there is a but.............

    As I say, I follow all intructions to the letter and get the game, say Mario Kart 7, to work.

    If I then turn off the 3DS or take out the cart, then put it back in again, the console doesn't see it??

    Anyone else got this cart and know how to fix this? Am I doing something wrong? As mentioned, it always plays great the first time, but then not when I restart?

    Is there any experts on Romulation?

  2. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Try re-reading the instruction in the cart's site. I believe there mentioned a step which you must always re-do each time you want to continue playing a rom from where you left off. It's the same steps like the ones in Gateway's. I can't be more specific at the moment, since I'm posting via smartphone. Maybe some other member can reconfirm what I said in this post and elaborate on the said method in detail.
  3. angusangus

    angusangus Well-Known Member

    Hmm, don't think I have seen that? That would mean every time the console is powered down, the computer would have to come back out to reformat the MicroSD and rewrite the 3DS ROM back to it? Hope not otherwise I've wasted my money :(
  4. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    You probably missed seeing it. If you consulted the installation document that came with the installation files, there mentioned in step 4 that you should repeat that step for every power cycle, so that it launches the 3DS flash cart player mode in STARTER mode in order to make the rom icon visible on the 3DS main menu. This same procedure is also incorporated by Gateway, so even if you had bought Gateway instead of R4i 3DS Deluxe, the same steps has to be done. Step 4 doesn't involve the PC, it's done solely through the 3DS console. 3DS flash cartridges are still in their early stage, such hassle should be considered normal. Back then, during the early NDS flash cartridge development stage (generation 1 carts), players have to utilize the "change save file size and type" button before they can play and save the game properly, in fact adding rom has to be done via mini USB cable not through SD Micro swapping. In the early GBA flash cartridge era was even more troublesome. It's more or less the same situation for the 3DS flash cart development too. They aren't 100% developed yet, just have to bear with it for now, even though that means you have to do step 4 every time your kids want to play their games. Just look at the bright side, at least you get to play a lot of dumped 3DS rom instead of having to buy originals for them.
  5. angusangus

    angusangus Well-Known Member

    thanks prectorian. you are dead right!, I also emailed r4i and they confirmed that. I didn't realise that the phrase 'repeat every power cycle' meant I had to set up the console for that mode, every time it was turned off then back on.

    I will check tonight when my little ones are in bed and hopefully that's sorted! Just a matter of teaching 2 six year olds the correct method on Christmas Day (for when I'm at work and they NEED to play).

    I'll let you know, cheers
  6. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    I'm sure they'll learn quickly how to do just that step while reminding never to try going online (local WIFI between 2 or more console with friends/family is ok). Kids are fast learner in term of using technology compared to parents.
  7. angusangus

    angusangus Well-Known Member

    That was it prectorian!! Both 3DS XLs work great now. As long as they are in 'DS' mode (just a coupe of taps of the stylus) then the ROMs play. Plus, I have had a quick race around in Mario Kart 7 and it saved the ghost data so hopefully the save game feature will work on all ROMs but won't know until a few days after Chrimbo after my boys have played a while.

  8. satemailaddress

    satemailaddress New Member

    will this card be backwards compatible with other DS systems? Work with the DSIXL?
  9. angusangus

    angusangus Well-Known Member

    joyluck answered but I haven't tried it personally as my boys have acecard 2i's in their current DSi's and they work straight from the DSi into the 3DS. I'm told that's all down to the 'old' firmware in the 3DS's of ver 4.x, so I was very lucky to get them with this firmware :)