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Google pulling out of China

Discussion in 'General News' started by Reider, Jan 15, 2010.

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  1. Reider

    Reider Modereider



    Not sure how many people have heard about this but it's pretty interesting IMO.

    Doesn't surprise me in the least though. Chinese government always struck me as a bit sketchy.
  2. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    Google is, like, the one massive corporation that isn't operating under the ideals of taking advantage of its users. I fucking love you Google.
  3. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I heard about this in the news. Pretty surprising stuff, Google's sticking it to the man. Good stuff.
  4. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member

    I hope Google does pull their branch offices away from China.

    If it is proven beyond reason of doubt that the Chinese government was stealing data from US companies and Google users, then I'd say that Google should cut itself off from China without any questions.

    I'm glad that Google has no tolerance for this sort of crap.
  5. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    Wow, that's quite an interesting topic. I'm pretty stunned, but I enjoyed reading about it.
  6. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Google vs. one of the most powerful countries in the world. Withdrawal of business from China could set something of a dangerous precedent. HELL YEAH.
  7. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i'm starting to worry a little bit about china what with all the stuff going on the censorship from the rest of the world. what exactly are they gearing up for.
  8. Paddette

    Paddette Well-Known Member

    Chinese caused some problems at the Summit as well. They are planning something, that's for sure.
  9. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    there going to be a hermit kingdom like north korea!

    sucks for them no more godly power
  10. Yungstunna221

    Yungstunna221 Member

    Yea its certainly impressive how much restraint Google put on itself as a company to not take advantage of its customers when they are probably in the best position out of all companies to do so.
  11. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    Google pulling out of China...

    ^.^ ZING!!

    well, i'm not surprised, we owe china enough money that they can buy california...

    ... not that they would want to buy california.
  12. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    It's to keep the totalitarian regime of the Communist Party afloat by censoring counter-communist ideals. The fact is that the Chinese government is a bloated, bureaucratic nightmare that only acts in the best interests of itself, and if espionage proves to be beneficial to the economy, so be it.
  13. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Pretty much what I was going to say. They arent planning anything, they're losing their grip on their citizen's thoughts and they don't like it. Communism is inherently doomed to failure sooner or later, and that time is fast approaching for china. Their government know this, and are trying to prevent the inevitable.
  14. justlois

    justlois Well-Known Member

    Hang on.....
    didnt the guy in glasses (bill Gates)
    aka william,try to buy google and they wouldnt sell?
    but you cant really run google or any other search engine without windows....
  15. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    Be carful of what you say... Im Chinese... And China is only doing censoring to crackdown on all of those friggin hackers... and porn sites
  16. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I'm 12 and what is this?

    Huh? No. I don't see how you (or any other chinese person) can be offended by what the Chinese government is doing. They censor what their citizens see so they can be brainwashed and to prevent free thinking. They do this to keep the government on top and have total control of it's citizens.

    Look up communism.

    If this is true, that's great. Unless it sorta spirals into war, I'm not too much on the ball with political affairs or anything so I can't predict what's going to happen.
  17. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    ^Hahaha. It's true.
  18. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    human rights activists != hackers. It is a FACT that the vast majority of hack attempts come *FROM* China, meaning that the Chinese are in most cases the perpetrators of the hacks, not the victims. The Chinese government aren't trying to stop people hacking their citizens with the great firewall, they're trying to control what their citizens can and can't see. The government themselves are not adverse to hacking people they don't like or who criticise them.
  19. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    Nice pun.
  20. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    Then Why the F do they not do a crackdown on the hackers, viruses, and, uh, porn sites?!
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