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Good Verizon Phones?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by yomo222, Apr 16, 2011.

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  1. yomo222

    yomo222 Well-Known Member

    So does anyone know any good verizon phones up for sale under 100$? I gotta buy a new one for my cousin cuz i dropped it in the pool.
  2. dedboy

    dedboy Guest


    My cousin has a Samsung Alias, it's slow to me, but I use a HTC Tbolt. It all depends on the person, and if they like flip phones, the qwerty boards, or what their interests are.

    Of course none of them can swim.
  3. yomo222

    yomo222 Well-Known Member

    Lol thanks! So now i'm thinking of getting a voyager or Env Touch. Please tell me which one to get or other phone suggestions!
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

  5. yomo222

    yomo222 Well-Known Member

    basically what i did!
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    that one survived though.
  7. yomo222

    yomo222 Well-Known Member

    o rly? which phone is it maybe i should get her that one
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Sonim XP1. Apparently the company says if you manage to break it they'll give you your money back AND replace it.
  9. yomo222

    yomo222 Well-Known Member

    Heh did u know i like sledge hammers
  10. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Damn Loony, you punked me out, and made old dude use that pic as his new avatar.
    Killing two birds with one stone I suppose.

    Well, I stand corrected, it would seem some phone models are in fact sea worthy.
  11. yomo222

    yomo222 Well-Known Member

    Who u calling old dude u joined a month after me! Plus i'm changing back to my slime tommorrow
  12. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Misunderstanding. That is just a goofy way I talk(or type at times). I love the DQ slimes by the way. Metal King Slimes get on my nerves though.

    I'm actually the old dude here, so I am going to go get some applesause and watch ducks at a pond now.

    Back on topic: I suggest a flip style phone to be honest. I am really not liking these touch screen phones much anymore.
  13. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    Not really a valid reason is it dan.
  14. yomo222

    yomo222 Well-Known Member

    Yeah so I decided on getting the voyager, since both are touch screen
  15. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Quite a valid reason. Asking something like "Good verizon phones" encompasses all aspects of a phone.
    Model and price as well. I didn't explain why though- Flip phones tend to be much easier to take care of, less scratched screens(you don't have to buy a screen protector), if a pixel goes out, it can royally mess up your screen. These are but two of a long list of touch screen issues.

    But of course this is all up to Yomo to decide. Plus if the phone he dropped was touch or not.

    I'm just being honest here ;)

    AH ok then- Good luck with the Voyager- no phone dunking anymore
    Nice avatar btw.
  16. yomo222

    yomo222 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, thanks. What i find ironic is that my slime looks like a water drop.....
  17. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    the reporter did actually manage to break the phone. On live TV, in front of the company CEO, who said 'damn, you got us'. He bashed the screen on the sharp corner of the tank repeatedly. He was subsequently summoned to their headquarters to ensure that their new model actually was unbreakable :p
  18. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    The very first DQ slimes ever made, did in fact look like water drops. The were remade to look more 'slimely'. Your avatar looks much like the original slimes did back in 1986. They always had smiles though, no slime made ever frowned. Well that I know of anyways.

    Good choice on the phone, I looked it up, the Voyager has a majority of good points about it, and high user remarks.

    @loony- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBtaNMG_AiE

    Remember that Loony? LMFAO

    Edit: If the original poster has gotten an acceptable answer, this can be locked up. Seph has issues with people going too far off topic it would seem.
  19. yomo222

    yomo222 Well-Known Member

    Yeah loony you can lock it I got the info i wanted
  20. NYman

    NYman Well-Known Member

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