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Good Strategy/Turn-based games?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by n0thealthy, Dec 7, 2008.

  1. n0thealthy

    n0thealthy Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone,

    I'm looking for some good strategy/tactical/turn-based games for the DS, preferably not fantasy ones like Luminous Arc or Final Fantasy.

    Can anyone recommend any?

  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    there's a couple of age of empires games on DS.
  3. n0thealthy

    n0thealthy Well-Known Member

    Yeah, heard about them.
  4. Gietz

    Gietz Well-Known Member

    Fire Emblem.
  5. Datanotfound

    Datanotfound Well-Known Member

    Anno 1701 Dawn of Discovery
  6. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    Tom Clancy's End War.
  7. cab9541

    cab9541 Well-Known Member

    endwar and annon were both horrible games but fire emblem and the advance wars series are grade A tbs games. ninjatown is really good too but it is actually tower defense strategy instead of turn based. robopocylypse is the best if not only real rts on the ds but is kind of childish.
  8. mysticaloctopus

    mysticaloctopus Well-Known Member

    When you say not final fantasy, do you mean not like FF3/FF4? FF tactics advance 2 is a decent turn-based strategy played on a grid.

    Also, I'll toss in a vote for fire emblem, although I dislike the in-battle animations that occur when two units fight and will turn them off next time I play. They're the faux-3D sprites of the early N64 era, but smaller and so look worse. Maybe it's because I'm a child of the SNES, but I'd rather have the old 16-bit looking GBA FE battle animations any day.

    Edit: thought of more. Advance wars is brilliant, and the one-DS multiplayer and learning curve mean that it makes a great game for playing with friends. Back in sixth form, we'd often pass two consoles around with two concurrent games of advance wars running between three or four people (with the house rule "colin is goddamn banned" in AWDS)

    Also, Front Mission. I played the original on (Z)SNES, and loved it, and in fact had it on SNEmulDS until they released it for DS. Turn-based giant robot combat is quite engaging, especially when you're building each pilot's skill with various mechs, and can build/upgrade mechs part by part. Less well known but well worth playing.
  9. jyeotoole

    jyeotoole Member

    zOMGZ!?!! What about Disgaea!? One of the best DS games I have EVER played. Seriously look it up.

  10. punkrockserfer

    punkrockserfer Active Member

    I disagree with disagree with everything cab posted except for the ninjatown comment. Robocalypse is NOT too childish. The game LOOKS childish but it has a great sense of humor that makes it very enjoyable for anyone. I'm a graduating senior in college and I enjoy that game quite a bit.

    Also, Endwar and Anon were NOT horrible. You may not particularly like them, but saying they are horrible is basically saying the game is unplayable, when in fact, many people will find hours of enjoyment in both of those games. I don't particularly like Anon but that's just because it's not my cup of tea. The game itself is pretty well done, you just have to like that type of game. And Endwar is sort of generic and therefore can be somewhat boring, but if you like Tom Clancy (or military strategy games for that matter) Endwar might be something you should look into.

    Finally, my suggestion for the best strategy game on the DS is Disgaea. I know you said you don't like fantasy games like Final Fantasy and Luminous Arc, but if you like that STYLE of gameplay and can look past the fantasy elements, Disgaea is a deeply engrossing game that is sure to steal hours of your life away from you.
  11. mysticaloctopus

    mysticaloctopus Well-Known Member

    Damn, how could I forget? One of the best openings, and it only gets better from there. Prinnies are a brilliant idea, and more games could do with peg-legged exploding penguins, plus the battlefield stat-changing effects make for some nice balanced tactical gameplay above what a lot of other games provide (example: FF Tactics advance 1, you have won the game once you have a team of assassins who know the good elementalist spells)
  12. n0thealthy

    n0thealthy Well-Known Member

    First off, thanks for all your suggestions.

    I've actually finished both of the DS Advance Wars and was looking for something else, hence this thread. (Something I should've mentioned before. ::) )

    Regarding Disgea, since I have a PSP, do you guys think I should get it for that or the DS? Which version is better?

    Thanks again.
  13. punkrockserfer

    punkrockserfer Active Member

    PSP has better graphics, obviously. To my knowledge the gameplay is exactly the same between the PS2, PSP, and DS. But I may be wrong on it. If it is exactly the same (which again, I THINK it is) then I would say just get it for whichever system you like best.

    Personally I find myself playing the DS more, mainly because the PSP's batter lasts like 4 hours on the second brightness setting and that's just ridiculous. I don't want to have to charge my handheld every day just to keep playing it.
  14. Gietz

    Gietz Well-Known Member

    Enough of these games. Strategy is all about Ninjatown
  15. ultra

    ultra Guest

    did anyone ever mentioned advance wars for the ds?

    i believe there are more or rather a modest amount of strategy games for the ds.
  16. punkrockserfer

    punkrockserfer Active Member

    Gietz speaks the truth. Ninjatown is full of win.
  17. clarksw1

    clarksw1 New Member

    Sid meier's civilization revolution and front mission all day.
  18. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    agreed... ive played hours of ENDWAR so don't be talking about it like that.
  19. 1Blacks1

    1Blacks1 Well-Known Member

    Theses are the best in my Opinion

    1 - Fire Emblem
    2 - Advance Wars
    3 - Final Fantasy Tactics 2
    4 - Luminous Arc
    5 - Disaega
  20. hahahahaha

    hahahahaha Well-Known Member

    Fire Emblem
    Luminous Arc 1+2
    Final Fantasy Tactics A2
    Advance Wars (DS+DoR)
    Bleach: 3rd Phantom

    Hoshigami Remix - fun but stupidly hard