I'm looking for some good Playstation games. But before you list some off. Lemme make one fine rule for this: DO NOT MENTION FINAL FANTASY!!! More importantly: DO NOT MENTION FF7 (That game in my opinion is just a sell-out P.O.S.)
Metal gear solid? Resident evil series? Ultimate mortal kombat trilogy/ 4? Gran turismo 1 or 2? These are worth the trouble
lol! I should've added I meant Hidden gems... Like games that aren't commonly mentioned. MGS is epic tho, but I can't think I can play though it again...Did it too many times lol
Hrm...so I guess the ridge racer series is out of the question? ...ace combat series? Time crisis? That's it from me...everything else is main stream (dino crisis) or just weird (savien-like a shootem up space ship type thing, and time commando...like resident evil but not horror but time travel, shame it's password save only...)
Hoshigami: Ruining Blue Earth is great SRPG if you can stomach it; Klonoa: Door to Phantomile is one hell of a plataformer if you're into those and Rapid Reload is a fantastic run 'n gun. Panzer Bandit is also a worhty mention, it's a great beat 'em up, just a tad too short.
The Armored Core Series Great Hidden Gem if you like robots Too bad no one outside of Japan hears about it alot. The Army Men/Air attack games were good I played a Game called: Crash CTR racing. It was VERY good Graphics wise And Gameplay wise http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crash_Team_Racing
Heres 10 non FF psx games I like to play Crash Team Racing Spyro 3 Metal Gear Solid Tekken 3 CastleVania: Symphony of Night Silent Hill Medal of Honor Legend of Dragoon Madden 2000 Street Fighter Alpha 3