I need to know some good DS FPS games. Please don't say the series like "Try COD games" just give me the actual name. I've got Dementium already and tried resident evil. Got anymore? P.S I don't care what type as long as it's good and what I mean by type is like if it's scary etc.
Killzone 2, Halo, Resistance(maybe), borderlands, fallout 3, bioshock, and more that people shall list after me
Fear 2 : Project Origin, Stalker : clear sky and Far Cry 1. I only play Far cry 2 for a few day so I cannot tell if this is a good or bad FPS
i thought you meant for others. but those are all good ones. the conduit for the wii definitely and metroid prime trilogy.. He needs DS FPS's!!
Cross-Fire, it's a computer fps that doesnt require a pro gaming computer. You play online against other people and it gets updates frequently
counter strike,america army,gears of war both 1 & 2,half life Post Merge: [time]1261193609[/time] half life with the mods