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Goliath at six flags magic mountain

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by hanghanghang, Jul 16, 2008.

  1. hanghanghang

    hanghanghang Well-Known Member

    Ok, hey guys.

    Is goliath at six flags magic mountain scary? Is the drop really that big? Some pictures makes it seem deadly but some pictures from the side of the roller coaster shows it having a curv so the drop really isnt a straight up and down drop. So what do you guys say? is the drop extrememly big and make your stomach turn and flip around?

    BTW the scariest roller coaster i whent on is Tatsu so compare it to that?

    And idk why but if you guys know the dragon boat swing? That ride makes my stomach turn SOOO much. Is goliath as bad? Well tell me guys

    people who have been there would only know. thanks guys =D
  2. Patton

    Patton Guest

    I've ridden all the roller coasters with a bunch of business people, and I'll tell you what...

    Once you go up the ramp, and go over the edge, it takes you VERY slow, and you start freaking out, then as soon as you clear the edge, you ZOOM, then you take a couple turns, then you do a 360 turn, which, creates the weightlessness feelings.

    IT IS kind of creepy, you might get dizzy/some what sick, but after my first time, I wanted to go again.

    IT IS very very fun!

  3. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    I have heard about this ride, my brother rode on it. Actually this ride is also available in RCT2 ( Roller Coaster Tycoon 2).
  4. hanghanghang

    hanghanghang Well-Known Member

    i heard about that patton lol when you are up there you start freaking out. But the feeling going down, is it a straight drop making your stomach turn or is there some slant to it making it not really tickle but just go really fast.
  5. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    Wait, Magic mountain is in Vallejo, California right? I've lived in San Francisco, and never once went to Six Flags o.o Only to Disney Land, California adventures, and other stuff...
  6. waylonn

    waylonn Well-Known Member

    In holland there is a Goliath too, it's green/purple