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Golden Sun: Dark Dawn help

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by Boyav, Dec 11, 2010.

  1. Boyav

    Boyav Well-Known Member

    So, I just reactivated the Apollo Lens, and then Blados, Chalis and this monster come. I beat the shit out of them ;) and then, in the cutscene, it shows them morphing together into a huge ball of epic death- er, a weird beast. So, I heal up and unfortunately not all my Djinns were set, but I said screw it and went into battle. Then, the beast completely ANNIHILATES all 8 of my party in like 6 turns, and I was doing about 1000 a summon on him. I thought it was a scripted death of sorts, so I sort of went with the flow but still tried to win. I die and get put back to the boulder statue. Any strategy I should use?

    tl;dr version: Help with the second boss in Sol Sanctum :(
  2. andy122

    andy122 Active Member

    if ur struggling so much try lving up just before you get to the lens on the solider monsters. you could always use chasm (earth djinn) which basically absorbs all damage you receive and makes it so you can hardly feel anything. then re-set it and repeat it so every other turn you basically get like 20damage. I personally had no trouble on the boss but the best help I can give you will just be lving abit and do the method i suggested just before.
  3. Solidifier-Snake

    Solidifier-Snake Well-Known Member

    do not summon rush him, thats just suicide
    use chasm, like andy122 said and try to keep up your parties HP
    i made my secondary team of amiti, sveta, eoleo, and himi summon rush him and then i used my proper team to slowly take his HP down
    it works
  4. Boyav

    Boyav Well-Known Member

    kay, thanks for that, now where can is chasm? i dont believe i have him ._.
  5. Solidifier-Snake

    Solidifier-Snake Well-Known Member

    hes near the warriors tower or something
    forgot what it was, its blue and you get the third eye from it
  6. andy122

    andy122 Active Member

    44) Venus #11 - Chasm [PM] (A6LuJzme1h4)
    Located in the Belinsk Ruins (under the town where musicians play).
    Use "Crush" to make the djinni go to the stairs then it will join you
    after you defeat it.

    this isn't mine and i take no credit from this but yeah the [pm] next to chasm means you can't get it again if you have gone past Belinsk

    all djinn equipped to right characters. My team Matthew, karis, Sveta, Eoleo around lv 46ish. didn't use one summon in the fight because if you been progressing nicely you should have good equips which can easily take down the boss. matthew- spammed chasm, karis- healthy wind and attacked when no heal was needed, sveta- beast form then just attacked, eoleo attacked and buffed the parties defence. This is honestly what I did throughout the whole match even when someone lost their djinn due to boss

    assuming you don't have all djinn trying lving up abit more then what i had in the spoiler box but yeah you can always have your chosen 2nd party summon rush while your main party actually fights normally
  7. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    try experimenting to make the bi elemental or tri elemental classes, as an alternative by at level 60 if you have any troubles, make sure to have healing items and avoid summoning its a BAD idea, isntead spam healing djins, and boost djins make sure you abuse of each psynergy and each turn
  8. Boyav

    Boyav Well-Known Member

    i dont have too many great psynergies, I think I've been doing something wrong ._.

    I use Eoleo, Amiti, Matthew and Karis. I think they're all 43. I'll post my Djinn setups later, see if I'm worthy. But really, thanks a lot guys.
  9. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    use earth with earth, wind with wind, fire with fire and water with water, thats the classic mono elemental setup
  10. Boyav

    Boyav Well-Known Member

    kay, so as soon as I stop feeling like playing OoT and Mother 3, I'll try your suggestions. Thanks much
  11. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    i reached the boss today BTW, if i beat it i can give you some suggestions on the how to, but with 9000 HP it should be easy if you dont rely too much on djin
    Post Merge: [time]1292194259[/time]
    double posting please do not merge, i killed chaos chimera and it was quite easy only hmi was Ko'ed , rief multi healing abilities are crucial to survive here better even have both amiti and rief one should focus on using the psyenergy that removes all bonuses the other must heal have mathew with sol blade a hmi using her skill to power him up or if you leveled up sveta haver her go to beast mode and use the psyenergy where she throws people this is crucial thanks to hmi's boost she can do 1000 damage per attack with the umbra gear at lvl 99, no stat booster pure wind based djin, heal often kill his power ups and revive with MATHEW as nescesary, why is it? simply one chaos chimera has something like 1 on 5 attacks of dealing instant kill heal, heal and use two people to attack chaos chimera, its quite a pussy boos even if he uses djin, speaking fo which make sure you ahve the healing djins on hmi and offensive on mathew, rief should have also mercury based healing djin, aimit only attacker based djin.
  12. Boyav

    Boyav Well-Known Member

    aren't you that hacking guy from the discussion/AP thread? ???

    just sayin...


    well, i'm going on a cruise soon, ill have plenty of time to get bored w/mother.
  13. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    yes but all i did was to use an exp multiplier code, nothing else, and i beat that boss legit i did not use any 1hit kill or stuff, it is not easy but you should try to get orihalcon and get at least 1 excalibur and 1 mail of orihalcon its the ebst equipment at the moment of where you are.
  14. Boyav

    Boyav Well-Known Member

    do i even need to comment on these?
  15. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    err i dont see whats wrong with it? according to the official guide the final boss has 9000 HP (if you dont belive me i can send you the guide) i collected every single djin of the game and i got all items in a legit way, also i did got orihalcon by farming and seeking it, my characters were at lvl 99 but that does not makes the boss easier, he has 1 attack with a 20% of instant dead and the rest belong to the piercing category, all the characters are quite real and every psyenergy i listed they learn it.

    if you udnerstood i had 9000HP then my bad.
  16. Boyav

    Boyav Well-Known Member

    wtf's orihalcon lol

    also, more levels = higher stats, but i am digressing.

    so, i got my dudes to lv 47 (tua warriors are awesome for exp) and put the djinns on the right people and all. I set the Djinns in my secondary party and standby on my first (so i could use their abilities) i buff up and heal my dudes every turn, but i still die. should i just go crazy with the levels? lol

    also, can the djinn that randomly one-hits enemies (i think his name is wrath) one-hit him? just asking :p
  17. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    as a standart of 90% of RPG's today no, all boess are inmune to doom,death, and certain spells.

    level them at least up to 60 and try again, orihalcon is a rare metal i dont remember what or who drops it, you cna find some in champa's cave, but its valuable , the old lady in chappa will forge it on of three items, a vest(third best vest grant a major DEF and ATK bonus only the viking and valkyrie armors are superior), a cosmos shield (ALL reisistances are up) or an excalibur sword the third best sword of the game, if you get a cleric ring pm since i dont remember how i got mine, why im mentiong it now? it makes curse null, basically even if you are cursed it wont be taking effect or wont be affecting you as often, this is because the best sword of the game is the dark sword a cursed weapon which has instant death and and a multi hit attack, its made from dark matter.

    if you wanna progress go and farm for those items, you can find several orihalcon pieces on crossbone island i belive they are 5 in total
  18. Boyav

    Boyav Well-Known Member

    wait, what? you can forge in this game? so confused....

    but yeah, i think I'll just grind on dem Tua's till 60. Should I summonrush with my secondary first and go slowly with my primary second?
  19. andy122

    andy122 Active Member

    do you not have all djinn because honestly if you have all of them you don't need to power level to 60 just to beat him he isn;'t all that hard
  20. Boyav

    Boyav Well-Known Member

    i dont, apparently, im missing about 20 (the djinn guide says so)

    and he IS the final boss, right?