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Discussion in 'Game Help' started by megashell, Nov 29, 2010.

  1. megashell

    megashell Well-Known Member

    MEMBERS help is really needed here, alot of people will be asking the location of these djinn

    so were going to set up a LIST of all 75 i think djinn, AND put them in order

    so 1st one is.

    VENUS---FLINT: 1st Djinn you Get no matter what you do. Get on world map as you leave Home
    Post Merge: [time]1291055611[/time]

    Venus - Earth1 - (Flint)

    Once you leave Vale, you will meet him on world map

    Post Merge: [time]1291055797[/time]
    MARS - Fire1 - (Forge)

    Encountered at Patcher's Place. Reach the upstairs in the store and head outside. Climb up the cliff to the left of Forge to reach the Psynergy Training Grounds. Next to the tree, align the three pillars horizontally. Climb up the tree and hop across the pillars to the right and on to the next tree. Climb down, use Growth on the plant to reach the Mars Djinn.
    Post Merge: [time]1291055889[/time]
    Mercury - Water1 - (Chill)

    Encountered at Carver's Camp. In the south east of town there is a tree you can hop on and climb down. Head down the ladder to the next area and cast Growth on the plant to reach the Mercury Djinn.

    Post Merge: [time]1291055998[/time]
    Jupiter - Wind1 - (Gust)

    Encountered at Carver's Camp. After running around the northern house and along the cliff, you will come across a pillar that you will have to cast Move on twice to get it over the ledge. Run along the now passable cliff path to the Goma Highlands Road where you first encountered Gust. Use Fire Ball on the cable car to get it to come around. Once you hop in, use Fire Ball again to take a ride. Head north and then east, making your way around to the Jupiter Djinn.
    Post Merge: [time]1291056087[/time]
    MARS - Fire2 - (Fever)

    Encountered on the Overworld south of Carver's Camp at West Gonpa Gate.

    Post Merge: [time]1291059872[/time]
    this will get updated as i find more, and members add how they got theres, to fill all 75
    Post Merge: [time]1291060211[/time]
    Venus - Earth2 - (Flower)

    Found at Konpa Gate. After asking the man to open the gate, climb up some
    stairs and jump down a tree to the left. Flower will hide away in some
    flowers, so cast "Whirlwind" to reveal it
    Post Merge: [time]1291060300[/time]
    Jupiter - wind2 - (Jolt)

    Found at the top of Konpa Ruins. Use the new "Grip" psynergy to cross some
    ledges. Climb up the ladder and it will try to avoid you. Cast "Grip"
    again when it is moving near one of the poles, it will get angry and fight.
    Post Merge: [time]1291060359[/time]
    Mercury - Water - (Sleet)

    This djinni comes with Reif when he joins your team.
    Post Merge: [time]1291060429[/time]
    Mars - Fire3 - (Cinder)

    Located in Harapa. Go to the second floor of the healer's house.
    Cast "Douse" to put out the flame and walk to the end of ledge.

    Post Merge: [time]1291060473[/time]
    Venus - Earth3 - (Bark)

    Located on the Passaj Mountain Climb, almost impossible to miss it.

    Post Merge: [time]1291060528[/time]
    Copy and past from here on out

    Jupiter #3 - Ether

    Found in the forest on the world map west of Kaocho. The forest is directly
    west of Kaocho (at the same latitude). There is a river dividing the forest
    and Kaocho, along with a long tree on the other side of it.

    Post Merge: [time]1291060544[/time]
    Venus #4 - Steel
    Found in Kaocho. You'll have to run around the town then "Grip" across the
    flagpoles to access it.

    Post Merge: [time]1291060563[/time]
    Jupiter #4 - Breath
    Located in Ayuthay. (the area with all the water and lily-pads)
    After defeating the Sand Prince, use Tyrell's "Arid Heat" psynergy on the
    bowl of water in the Castle to lower the water level.
    Manipulate across lily-pads and three rafts using Karis' "Whirlwind"
    psynergy to access the Jupiter djinni.

    Post Merge: [time]1291060592[/time]
    Mercury #3 - Surge
    Get this djinni after you clear the Barai Temple. Use "Fireball" on djinni
    "Surge" as per Amiti's instructions.

    Post Merge: [time]1291060614[/time]
    Mercury #4 - Mist
    Mercury #5 - Mellow
    Mercury #6 - Claw
    These three djinn come with Amiti when he joins your team.

    Post Merge: [time]1291060631[/time]
    Mars #4 - Lava
    There's a hungry man sitting by the stream in Kaocho.
    (You know this by using Harumani's "Foresight") Buy him a bun from the food
    vendor, he will then leave and you will be clear to reach the Mars djinni.

    Post Merge: [time]1291060646[/time]
    Jupiter #5 - Vortex
    In Ouroboros, move some snake statues and "Whirlwind" a floating green
    block to fight this Jupiter djinni.

    Post Merge: [time]1291060658[/time]
    Mars #5 - Brand
    After setting the mask into it's place at Passaj, jump across the newly
    appeared ledges to find this Mars djinni.

    Post Merge: [time]1291060670[/time]
    Mercury #7 - Serac
    In Harapa Ruins you must enter the ice field area from the right and
    solve the walking puzzle. Move left, up, right, down, left, up, left,
    down, right, down to reach the djinn.

    Post Merge: [time]1291060685[/time]
    Venus #5 - Brick
    When you return to Harapa, cast "Cold Snap" on the water puddle near the
    town's right entrance, cast "Growth" on the town's left entrance and
    climb the vines. Walk along the ledge to the house and you should find
    the djinni in the first floor.

    Post Merge: [time]1291060702[/time]
    Jupiter #6 - Doldrum
    Located in the Taurus room of the Craggy Peak Ruins. Cast "Fireball"
    on the lion's head to free the djinni.

    Post Merge: [time]1291060714[/time]
    Mars #6 - Fury
    Found in Te Rya. Cast fireball on the torch so the sheep will move
    away, unblocking the path to the djinni.

    Post Merge: [time]1291060765[/time]
    Before you leave Te Rya, be sure that you buy the fishing rod from the
    artifacts section of the item shop because you will need it soon.

    Mercury #8 - Dewdrop
    Found at a pond near Teppe Ruins. Give the rod you bought from the
    shop in Te Rya to the man and he will fish it for you.

    Post Merge: [time]1291060798[/time]
    Jupiter #7 - Fleet
    Jupiter #8 - Waft
    Jupiter #9 - Bolt
    Jupiter #10 - Breeze
    Jupiter #11 - Haze
    These five djinn come with Sveta when she joins your team.

    Post Merge: [time]1291060814[/time]
    Venus #6 - Vine
    Found near the end of Tepe Ruins.
    Play some hide-and-seek with the djinni.
    Post Merge: [time]1291060829[/time]
    Mercury #9 - Torrent
    Found in the city of Belinsk. To the far northeast end of the city.
    Cast "Move" and "Cold Snap" to reach the djinni.

    Post Merge: [time]1291060844[/time]
    Mercury #10 - Spout
    Go to the healer's house in Belinsk, head down to the basement.
    Move a few bookshelves to reveal a hidden passage.

    Post Merge: [time]1291060859[/time]
    Venus #7 - Gears
    Found on the world map north of Border Town

    Post Merge: [time]1291060870[/time]
    Jupiter #12 - Sirocco
    Found in a house in Border Town, climb up the roof of the soldier's
    house and "Grip" across the roofs. Head downstairs to find this djinni.

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    Venus #8 - Furrow
    Found at a tiny round island on the world map to the west of Urajio
    Post Merge: [time]1291060893[/time]
    Mercury #11 - Coral
    Found at the Port Rago Docks. Evaporate the water floating the ship using
    Tyrell's "Arid Heat" and run to the end of the corridor to find this djinni.

    Post Merge: [time]1291060906[/time]
    Venus #9 - Garland
    Found after navagating the branches maze at Kolima Village.

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    Mars #7 - Glare
    Found in the Phantasmal Bog. Cast "Cold Snap" and push some logs to
    find this djinni.

    Post Merge: [time]1291060935[/time]
    Jupiter #13 - Wisp
    Located in Saha Cistern, the underground passage between Saha and Kolima.
    You can only get it after obtaining "Crush" psynergy. Move the rock pillar
    in place from the left side. Then enter from the right side and crush the
    rock blocking the path.
    Post Merge: [time]1291060951[/time]
    Venus #10 - Pewter
    This djinni will guide you through Kolima forest. It will join you at
    the exit of the forest after a long cutscene.

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    Mercury #12 - Teardrop
    Located at the left branch of the dividing path after exiting Kolima
    forest. Cast "Crush" to build a bridge using logs.

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    Jupiter #14 - Puff
    Located near the summit of Talon Peak after Getting the Roc Feather.
    Use "Crush" to reveal a ledge and jump down to reach the djinni.

    Post Merge: [time]1291061006[/time]
    At this point in the game you should be heading south, passing through
    Kolima and Saha towards Belinsk. BEFORE YOU LEAVE KOLIMA, buy some
    "Dream Leaf" from the item shop because you need it to get Haures.
    See the summon list section for details.

    Venus #11 - Chasm
    Located in the Belinsk Ruins (under the town where musicians play).
    Use "Crush" to make the djinni go to the stairs then it will join you
    after you defeat it.

    Post Merge: [time]1291061020[/time]
    45) Mercury #13 - Pincer
    Located in a house in Belinsk after you receive Eclipse. Talk to the
    two people sleeping in a house. Then cast "Douse" and "Cold Snap".
    Climb up the ladder to find the djinni.

    Post Merge: [time]1291061050[/time]
    Mars #8 - Reflux
    Mars #9 - Wrath
    Mars #10 - Chili
    Mars #11 - Glow
    Mars #12 - Stoke
    These five djinn come with Eoleo when he joins your team.

    Post Merge: [time]1291061062[/time]
    Mercury #14 - Spring
    Found in the cavern of Harun. Harun is on an island east/northeast of
    the mainland, reachable only after you get the ship. Use "Crush" to
    clear the cave and move some logs.

    Post Merge: [time]1291061075[/time]
    Venus #12 - Chain
    After resurrecting the second tower at Warrior's Hill (northwest of Harin).
    Climb up a tree on the right and walk on the ledge to find this djinni.

    Post Merge: [time]1291061091[/time]
    Mars #13 - Sizzle
    Found on the world map near Nihan, east of Yamata. Walk clockwise around
    Mt. Mikage (the inactive volcano) and run around until you find it.

    Post Merge: [time]1291061104[/time]
    Jupiter #15 - Kite
    Found in Yamata. Cast "Move" then "Crush" on a hole in the town.
    The djinni can be reached once you follow the path outside.

    Post Merge: [time]1291061129[/time]
    Venus #13 - Buckle
    Venus #14 - Clover
    Venus #15 - Magnet
    Venus #16 - Geode
    Mars #14 - Pepper
    Jupiter #16 - Swift
    These six djinn come with Himi when she joins your team.

    Post Merge: [time]1291061145[/time]
    Mercury #15 - Shell
    After getting Himi, sail east from Yamata to Gaia Falls Islet.
    This Mercury djinni is located in the cave on this island.

    Post Merge: [time]1291061183[/time]
    Mercury #16 - Rime
    Found beside an abandoned house on Iceberg Outpost. Iceberg Outpost is
    located on the northwest of Harun. Reachable by boat only.

    Post Merge: [time]1291061195[/time]
    Mercury #17 - Geyser
    Found in the Snowdrift Shrine. Follow the djinni and ski down the hill
    to reach it.

    Post Merge: [time]1291061208[/time]
    Mars #15 - Tinder
    Located in the town of Tonfon. Use "Slap" on a sleeping man in the
    town. He will then move the position of his boat. You can get this
    djinn after this event.

    Post Merge: [time]1291061224[/time]
    Mercury #18 - Foam
    Located on the world map southwest of Tonfon.

    Post Merge: [time]1291061236[/time]
    Mars #16 - Flare
    Located inside the Burning Island Cave/Volcano Cave. Solve the puzzle
    to fight the djinni.

    Post Merge: [time]1291061251[/time]
    Jupiter #17 - Simoom
    Located on the biggest island of a cluster of islands on the southern
    world map.

    Post Merge: [time]1291061263[/time]
    Mars #17 - Fugue
    Located on the beach of Champa, can be seen hanging from a tree.
    Cast "Slap" on it then talk to it and it will join your team.

    Post Merge: [time]1291061277[/time]
    Jupiter #18 - Lull
    Located at the entrance of Otka Sea Island. This island is
    reachable by riding a tornado that circles around Yamatai.

    Post Merge: [time]1291061289[/time]
    Venus #17 - Ivy
    Located at Passaj. Find a rag on the table of a house and give it
    to the woman on the bed at the inn. Then go back to the house where
    the rag was found and talk to the man on the right. Take the man to
    the room right before the elevator. You will discover the djinni.

    Post Merge: [time]1291061302[/time]
    Venus #18 - Hemlock
    Located in Yamata Ruins. Complete the psynergy circuitry to find
    this djinni.

    Post Merge: [time]1291061316[/time]
    Mars #18 - Aurora
    Located in the Apollo Sanctum, inside the room with the grass ring.

    Post Merge: [time]1291061387[/time]
    AND THATS THAT! Hope this helps you guys...

    Damn my heads ina pain @_@
  2. M.AzaryPika3172

    M.AzaryPika3172 Well-Known Member

  3. megashell

    megashell Well-Known Member

    Yes, i know, just creating a list on Romu itself without the a link
  4. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

  5. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    I'm with ya,
    megashell: go play the game normal. Cheating like this only makes the game boring
  6. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member

    his topic is under the "Game Help" section if you must know
  7. megashell

    megashell Well-Known Member

    wow, you do know that you could miss 35 djinn through the game, and there is no back tracking
  8. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member

    even the summon tablets, i think
  9. megashell

    megashell Well-Known Member

    yes, those to, but i think they are kinda easy to find, just look for a random cave
  10. megashell

    megashell Well-Known Member

    someone bump this thread! its falling into the depth
  11. megashell

    megashell Well-Known Member

    hope this helps all
