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Going to buy a R4 need to know something, plz.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by nitrofreak06, Sep 4, 2007.

  1. nitrofreak06

    nitrofreak06 Member

    yah im finally going to get a R4 but i was just wondering does it support fully download play from it? with out flashing the other ds or what ever. this is a little off topic but is there a gba flash cart that i can use to play ds roms off of? useing a pass me or something of the sort? thanks
  2. jelliefish

    jelliefish Member

    The recent firmware update of the R4 has enabled full support for download play. I tried it with my friends who don't have an R4 and it worked fine. As for your GBA solution, I'm not too sure about that. Sorry! ???
  3. nitrofreak06

    nitrofreak06 Member

    sweet thats what i wanted to hear, and the f.w. is on there website right? on the gba part thats ok dont worry your self i like the r4 more. what about gba games on the r4? lol
  4. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    GBA on R4 isn't possible.
    Other flash carts can play GBA but they don't have as high a compatibility rate as carts that can't.
  5. jelliefish

    jelliefish Member

    Yes, the R4 update is on their website http://www.r4ds.com/download-en.htm

    Oh, and if you're looking to play GBA games too, you might want to look into the EZ Flash 3-in-1. I use it, it's slot-2 and it works pretty well.
  6. nitrofreak06

    nitrofreak06 Member

    so can this ez flash hold gba games or what?
  7. jelliefish

    jelliefish Member

    You can put GBA roms on your R4, then you can use the EZ flash to run them.
  8. nitrofreak06

    nitrofreak06 Member

    ah alright i like that, i might just get that then =)