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Going to "anger" alot of fans off but...KH 358/2

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by robolink, Nov 9, 2009.

  1. robolink

    robolink Well-Known Member

    I recently started playing the loved Kingdom Hearts 358/2 game. I'm about 20 hours into the game.

    I wasn't blessed enough to play the actual KH 1&2 games that made KH what it is. I understand those games where/are amazing games as far as story goes and the mix of all the FF characters you love/hate and the Disney characters you love/hate being in the same game.

    Seeing as I wasn't blessed like that, I feel playing KH 358/2 that as far as gameplay goes its Basically a repetitive task of one of maybe 5 different things to do on each mission to advance to more storyline.

    My point is it feels less like im fighting for the story and more like im grinding to hear the story, most of which is subtext from the main KH games i have no clue about.

    So be honest with me everyone, as far as game-play goes..if you didn't know anything about the other KH games how much fun would the game be to you just for the action of it. Have you not noticed the repetitivness of it all? or are you too fixated on "gotta get through these next lvls so i can hear more about the story."

    So far Ive yet to see any Final Fantasy so im rather sure they wont show up in this game, and im basically playing a game for the story, that of which even after I finish the game i wont have a clue what ive achieved as far as story wise goes.

    Could just be me but I don't think this game will work out with me, Im sure if i had played 1 and 2 i would be all over this game like stewie on pancakes simply to grind through for the bits and pieces of storyline i have yet to see.

    Guess im wondering your opinions on if this game from people that havnt played 1 or 2, and people who have and thier Cons about this game.

    Thanks, and try not to flame me eh, im not trolling. Even if my grammar is terrible.
  2. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    I only played CoM on the GBA and I love this game =3=
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I played and own number 2, people rant on about this game...sure I love active combat rpg's but...

    -the town center at start had very few people-felt hollow
    -No speech outside cutscenes
    -Graphics weren't that great-felt like 30fps than 60

    The story however is very good I must say and thus why I kept it.

    The DS one is techically impressive but if it as the same repitition I might get bored...I need to be taxed constantly-sure I like repitition but at the start of 2...I had to do the same chore several times just to move on...

    And you know what-combat in this feels a bit like dissidia final fantasy so I'm not a fan of that ethier.
  4. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    The story is confusing if you don't play the consoles version first.

    358/2 Days is repetitive but for me, the story makes me want to keep playing, since I have already played KH 1 & 2 this game makes me wondering of what's going to happen.

    One of the factor that makes me like this game is the Action Battle, it's rare to have an RPG game to have a good battle sequences as fun as this.
  5. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    Sure it’s repetitive (even more so with some of the bosses, you just want them to hurry the f*ck up and DIE! already), also the organization lobby being the only place you’re confined to outside missions was a bit of letdown,

    however gameplay wise this game is still a gem, I didn't even really like the story, the main draw for me was the battles combined with the level of customisation. I was pretty happy with the graphics and how fluent everything was.
  6. buuured

    buuured Well-Known Member

    im a huge kh fan and i can relate, although there was less disney gayness it was repetativ and if it hadn't be for my love of the series i would have quit but i kept at it and loved the ending so yeah i enjoyed it but wouldn't play it again. i advise you play the ps2 titles mate.
  7. olliebot

    olliebot Well-Known Member

    Most movies run at 32 fps. . .

    also I personally thought this was a great game. I felt the controls were a lot like the ones in kh 1. I just hated neverland and hq. I hate it in games where you select your mission.
  8. fahsky

    fahsky Well-Known Member

    Weeeell, honestly, KH 358/2 Days doesn't have a legible story for non-KH fans. Even then, you have to really know it through & through to get anything from it. The game play is decent, for the DS. I'm about five hours in, & pretty bored with it. If you've played KH2, you already know how 358/2 ends, so there's no drive for me to beat the game.