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Discussion in 'Rants' started by JupiterJiveGuitarist, Jan 10, 2010.

  1. JupiterJiveGuitarist

    JupiterJiveGuitarist Active Member

    You're supposed to root the home team and cheer with your fellow state.

    I'm from New York, and my Giants just blew whatever shot they had at making it to the playoffs.

    C'MON DEFENSE!! Your playing is so ridonkulous that I honestly give up at the middle of the 3rd or 4th just to avoid my gut feeling embarressed by your hideous playcalls.

    It's on you too Manning, and your sloppy final few games. It's not knocking your passing game, cause you still stay inside the pocket alright enough, but the interceptions you've been getting. Need to keep an eye on your recievers man.

    Now, yes they are alot ALOT better than me at football. Can't deny them that and would be really friggen' dumb if I did. But if that sloppy defense and candid pass game follows onwards to next seasons, then I'm only tuning in for 8 or maybe 9 games. How do you like that Giants?!?!

    On a side note, Jets are playing the cowboys and I'm getting the impression that Romo is taking his troops to the superbowl, they've just been on fire.

    That's a whole different rant though. Stupid Cowboys. I got my arse handed to me in Madden cause I picked you once... Once.
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    1.I'm an Aussie so I don't follow

    2.I once followed the Australian Football league (AFL) but grew out of it because I got "bored" with it

    3.I followed an interstate team based on the mascot's primary colour (black-the Adelaide crows)

    I can't comment on the rest (except the spelling error on "ridiculous") but I have to say...each to their own, and everyone has good and bad days, even sport teams.
  3. JupiterJiveGuitarist

    JupiterJiveGuitarist Active Member

    Yeah, I actually made the mistake of saying jets played the cowboys. Cowboys took down the Eagles( 2nd half blowout, real rough site ), and Jets one their game as well.

    It's sort of a tradition here to put good teams on a soap box and throw the criticism when it gets rough. So many people facing off for the top spot, you have to just keep to the game.

    Still We fans are quite satisfied with the underdog victory against the Patriots in the Super Bowl ( Undefeated season no more Brady ), and for that we salute them 8)

    Still would love to see another ring. Them too.