It was came out today. I think it looks okay, but some people say it sucks... Big Joe fan, gonna get it anyway.
This ain't emulation news. This should go into the gaming section. BTW-all movie based games kinda suck-all thanks to ET all those years ago...
You 2 are confusing-thought it was about the game since it's in EMULATION news-and here mega goes about the movie... Shall a mod take notice after I bump this-and me get the stuffing kicked outta me for it? (don't hurt me mods )
That's not true, look at the Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay, as well as Star Wars games, and there are quite a handful of great licensed games. However, to an extent, I agree with you, many movie-games are really bad. GI Joe is a prime example (on the home consoles like PS3,360, etc., haven't played the DS one).