I keep getting anonymous phone calls hourly. Most of the time I let the m ring through and it hangs up, but some weird shit has happened when I actually pick it up. The first time I picked it up, it was MY DAD's voice saying "I can't reach you from her-" and it hung up I assume it was trying to say "I can't reach you from here" My dad was in the living room reading a history book. It was odd, and he didn't seem to know why his voice would play on there either. The next time, just silence. But they didn't hang up. What's going on here?
To be honest, the voice was dad's voice, but a little more gruff than usual. I've heard him like that before though. And I AM being serious, hope yas know that.
Your dad was doing your mom/ cleaninglady/ neighbour/ milkman, they changed positions and accidentally pressed some buttons on his phone which was in his pants/ shirt/ or on the couch, it called you... apparently the new position wasn't that good cause your dad couldn't reach the person he was doing: " Can't reach you from here" They changed positions, pressed buttons on the phone again and the call ended.