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General EDGE DS Chat (yes, I search first ....grin...) or somehting different?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by awfreak, Dec 7, 2008.

  1. awfreak

    awfreak Active Member


    been away a LONG time....

    now back and looking for a new Flash Cart.

    I wanted something with newer game compatibility, decent support for new games, and 8GB support.

    I started looking at M3 Real, then CycloDS (both of which I'm toying with.....)

    but I've seen the EDGE DS.

    I like the look. I know some say it's a Cylco Clone, but doesn't seem accurate...... more like an M3 build but Cyclo barebones programming.... a wannabe maybe as opposed to a clone (if that makes sense?)


    Can you give me your impressions.

    And look, I don't own 3-4 carts, nor do i intend to (can't afford it)
    I don't get into manipulating them, adding different OS, etc..... just want something stable, and something that will support future games.

    Like I said, I like the Youtube reviews of the EDGE,

    BUT, I don't see it supporting STAR WARS CLONE WARS

    Anyone playing Clone Wars ROM on the EDGE DS ? This is REALLY important (I think this SW Game 2906 is the future as far as how game-"fixing" will be required).


    I want to buy a cart in the next day or two

    So Review---

    REALLY LOOKING AT EDGE DS (depending on 2906 compatibility and future, etc...)
    But Also looked at M3 REAL (LOVE the look and Features, 3RTS, IN-Game Guide..... but future support???????)
    And toying with CYCLODS (whats not to like? except Price? and is it really worth it for the couple features?)

    THANKS !
  2. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    Whatever you do, don't buy R4, they stopped updating it, and it was discontinued, I think you should buy Cyclo, because as Seph said, it's the most trustworthy, and compatible with all games -.-
  3. awfreak

    awfreak Active Member

    Re: General EDGE DS Chat (yes, I search first ....grin...) or somehting differe


    I bought the CYCLO !!

    now just waiting for it to come, ahhhh
  4. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    Crap. ****.... #(@%.... I got the R4 Revolution. I really hope you're wrong... I doubt it... but I hope.
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    unfortunately not, it was discontinued several months ago. if you bought it recently then chances are its an R4 clone not an original R4, in which case your card is probably still supported.
  6. reiss00

    reiss00 New Member

    what about the new AceKard 2i and 2.1 would anyone recommend these cards as i've heard decent things about them..

  7. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    EDGE is a great card; it's cheap and updated often. Because it is a clone of CycloDS it can load the same themes, too, which is a plus. My only gripe with EDGE is it's incapable of saving DSOrganize notes/to-dos/settings. Hoping there's a fix soon, though.