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Gender bender-fake it online?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mds64, Sep 9, 2009.

  1. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I know this won't get much response, but I'd like to know-who pretends to be another gender online?

    Now, for me I have done this ONLY during my stint on pokemon diamond (I also had pearl, so in a strange effort to help remember which is whitch, I chose a girl for this game-everyone who linked knew I was a dude but the sight of a girl did surprise a few XD).

    I also heard a few stories-xbox live story I heard was on a gaming tv show (good game-dead awsome :) ) and spoke about how the features on xbox live were-long story short they spoke to what appeared to be a guy playing halo 2, manly name and even voice, turns out it was a girl who altered the voice output (some special feature-I'm not an xbox man so I guess it's something anyone can do) to manly proportions...

    So, this is to anyone, brave or not, to talk about thier experiences about gender bending-good or bad-if your cool with it so am I :)

    No discrimination-no flaming please-people may have reasons other than to fool people you know :)

    Topic points:
    Any experiences with any online-if you done it during a game or forum-any other related online gender bending.

    And to the mods, please move if this topic does not suit section, thanks.
  2. shinkukage09

    shinkukage09 Well-Known Member

    I've had a "gender-bender" experience before. It was actually quite funny. A person I once knew online literally acted exactly like a guy. Sounded like one too, and never told anyone they were female.(It was on purpose) Finally, one of the females in the chatroom(yes, this took place over a month) asked if the person wanted to date her. Her response? "Only if you like bisexual people, seeings how I'm a woman." I dont think anyone talked in there for a few days after that...so awkward...
  3. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    * tehuber1337 raises "his" hand...
  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    Can you say more or would rather not...

    [me=mds64]considers possibility that tehuber may have asked one out by mistake[/me]

    It's all cool-hay anything goes on the net these days XD
  5. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    Yeahno. I'm not into that kinda thing. I don't share any personal info over the internet, much less ask someone out.
  6. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Nethier am I-I may give out my name or msn but not much else...

    Oh well

    [me=mds64]wonders what tehuber's experience was exactly[/me]
  7. raaat

    raaat Well-Known Member

    lemme see... which would you prefer (I'm assuming you're a dude here...) a.) stare at a bulky, sweaty, and muscular guy for hours? or b.) stare at a bouncy(?!?), gorgeous, sexy girl for hours???
  8. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    B for Because this post doesn't have any relevance to the topic at hand.

    The purpose is to see who had experiences with people who fake genders online-not prefererance.

    Unless it was to fool me into doing something stupid (which, after what I seen) I won't fall for it nor be annoyed by it.

    When your online you could be Tom Hanks for all we know in disguise.
  9. raaat

    raaat Well-Known Member

    touche... actually i'm alluding to the fact that most people gender-bend on most MMORPG just to get free stuffs, trust me it works most of the time girls are item/freebie-magnets on MMORPG :))
  10. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    [me=mds64]issues apoligy[/me]

    Could have mentioned that before :(

    That is the reason why I'm touchy online-if they show avatar as girl but act like they want stuff they get the blender

    [me=mds64]blends traps[/me]

  11. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    This conversation is real, found on Polish forums, I've only translated it:
  12. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    on some online games i prefer to be a girl
  13. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I find girls smarter and normally well mannered.

    So that's how I normally find out-it's never let me down just yet.
  14. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    Me too. Shaia for example :)

    I said POLISH forums ;D
    But seriously, I agree with you :)
  15. elbowgeek

    elbowgeek Member

    Sometimes I'd pretend to be a guy so I can avoid the "omg gurl, bewbs show plz" or "gtfo and clean some dishes"
    not an easy life :/
  16. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    We men are truly a predictable race aren't we?

    [me=mds64]is resisting the urge[/me]

    ...must...hold...back...manly thoughts...

    (where do you go-must be prety lousy to get asked those question ??? )
  17. elbowgeek

    elbowgeek Member

    4chan lurking (I know, I'm despicable)
    chatboxes/chat rooms and sometimes on forums.
    Mostly used to my brother shouting it at me :p
  18. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Hrm, I see, I've yet to visit-heard so much about them.

    They sound free range those losers-seriously :(

    Be glad your here-we are a good bunch-btw I knew a few users who hide as other genders-they do it for fun-I shan't say because that's half the fun of being a "trap" XD

    (not me-too crazy for that XD)
  19. elbowgeek

    elbowgeek Member

    In the time it took for me to read your reply I was propositioned for cybering, pi-ka-choors are a bad idea..
  20. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    (I have no idea what that means-I've been here for ages-but let alone any where else :( )