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GBA rom on DS?

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by silarry80, Mar 9, 2009.

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  1. silarry80

    silarry80 Well-Known Member

    Can i play GBA rom on my DS(without cartridge)? Thx 4 ur answer...
  2. jyeotoole

    jyeotoole Member

    No. It is not possible.
  3. silarry80

    silarry80 Well-Known Member

    so the emulator doesnt work on ds? haha... i thought i can play gba roms in my ds, but after i copied it in my micro sd, it doesnt appear...
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    You can play GBA roms if you have a slot 2 flashcart; these are able to play GBA roms natively. If you have a slot 1 flashcart, there is no way of playing GBA roms. The two systems use different hardware, which are electrically separate.
  5. silarry80

    silarry80 Well-Known Member

    sorry i dont know what is the flashcart for slot 2? is it sold in stores? what is the name, and is it using mem card like micro sd too? thx
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    no it's not sold in stores. The most common one is called Ez-Flash 3-in-1, and it works the same as other flashcarts, except it goes in the GBA slot on your DS.
  7. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Any of the EZFlash range are good. Not possible without a Hypervisor etc. unfortunately.
  8. Roxas426

    Roxas426 Member

    it is possible to play gba on you ds but you have to convert it.
    there is a program that can do it its called NDStation but you its not easy to find the good one you need NDStation 1.2
  9. silarry80

    silarry80 Well-Known Member

    where can i find ndstation or other program that can convert gba game to nds?
  10. Roxas426

    Roxas426 Member

    I only have 1.1 but you need 1.2 in 1.1 you have to dldi patch it but if you do that it still don't work but you can try.
    this the 1.1 http://gbatemp.net/index.php?download=816
    I hope it works for you
  11. silarry80

    silarry80 Well-Known Member

    thanks man, i already try it, but i cant play it. it only open first screen 'gameboy' and it freeze. how do i fix this? and what is dldi patch? thx
  12. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Roxas, no, that's just for accessing the ROM from a different device.
  13. Roxas426

    Roxas426 Member

    thats the problem you need 1.2 I dont know how to fix this.
    I dont have 1.2 I wish I had it.
    maybe try using google I dont know any other way.
    or you have to buy a slot 2 flashcard
  14. qwazz

    qwazz Active Member

    Not with an r4. Unless you have Lameboy. Im pretty sure
  15. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Lameboy is for GB/C.
  16. silarry80

    silarry80 Well-Known Member

    i think i better just playing my nds games... hahaha... thanks anyway guysss.....
  17. newbie1234

    newbie1234 Active Member

    If you get an M3Real flashcart, it has an optional GBA slot 2 expansion, which lets you place GBA roms on the same sd card as you're ds games, albeit in a different folder.
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