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GBA outsells the PS3!

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Seph, Mar 16, 2007.

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  1. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Haha I always knew the PS3 would be a flop, it's too bad actually cause the graphics are amazing if the Wii had had graphics like this I would gladly have paid another $100 USD. Would be the ultimate console.
  2. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Good graphics don't make a game good, something that most people seem to be missing anymore.
    I'd take NES graphics as long as the gameplay was great, but I lived during the time period when gameplay was focused on more than anything.
  3. darkman

    darkman Well-Known Member

    Wow, even the PSP is out selling the PS3.

    I knew after the Holidays that a $600.00 USD system would be a hard sell.
  4. phate

    phate Active Member

    Just goes to show you what happens when you dip your finger into the pudding bowl(.....burp!...) :)
  5. bobdrakke

    bobdrakke Member

    Asmadi totally agree graphics are like icing on cake good when cake is done right. I do appreciate graphics of 3d nature more as older games were lacking to a point of makig a game unplayable imo.
  6. CorvusMoore

    CorvusMoore New Member

    Eh PS2 sales are only going strong because with the release of the PS3 the price has plummeted and of course for those who haven't switched to slims they'll have to buy a new PS2 when their chunky one burns out.
  7. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    We never said anything about the PS2 outselling the PS3 was weird, the PS2 is a great machine and it's actually worth it's price. I'm a bit surprised that it's outselling the Xbox360 though
  8. Golden Falcon

    Golden Falcon Active Member

    Haha thats awesome!!

    Take at look at this too;;
    "PlayStation Portable 176,000
    Game Boy Advance 136,000"

    It almost was close to tie or outsell the PSP too LOL!! PWNZ....

    Nintendo > Sony
  9. Relys

    Relys Well-Known Member

    Epic! Nintendo FTW! They're the lesser evil!
  10. heroinmonkey

    heroinmonkey New Member

    One of the huge knocks against the PS3 was that it displayed PS2 titles very poorly which they have supposedly made an update for. The initial PS3's had problems and no one wants to risk $600-$700 for something that could end up in and out of factory refurbishing. Most people are waiting it out until Sony releases an updated PS3 console (not just software/firmware patches) before they risk it. Wii's are taking advantage of the playstation hesitators which is why demand is so high because Wii games may not look great in comparison, they are easy to play and fun with groups.
  11. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

  12. ultra

    ultra Guest

    what makes the ps2 so great is that it has a multi-function feature. i believe ps2 came out in 2000 and during the time dvd systems [dvd rom drives and dvd players] were expensive. i believe the cheapest dvd player at the time was about 150 dollars. at the time ps2 was being sold at 299.99~300. so when you factor in the dvd playback capability, it would be like paying 150 dollars for a brand new system. remember that it was also back compatable with the ps1 games so that made it more attractive. because of this it helped to kill the dreamcast system.

    however, at the current state of the ps3, blu-ray is still not a standard. because of that it is useless to consider it as a multi-hd media player as blu-ray is not the standard. so if you were to buy it, it would be like paying 470 dollars for the ps3 system only and 30 dollars for a dvd player. the blu-ray feature doesn't count because it's not a standard yet. once blu-ray becomes a standard, then it can be counted for.

    so basically, the ps3 will dominate if the blu-ray disc becomes the standard. however, i don't know how credible that would be since sony is eliminating certain parts to make things cheaper, like what they did to the euro's, made the ps3 not to be able to play ps2 games.
  13. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, and now that the PS2 prices are so low it's selling even more. I like my PS2, but I never bought it with any intentions of using it as a DVD player (originally).
  14. darkman

    darkman Well-Known Member

    I don't think the DVD feature was any advantage after the PS2 caught on. I think it sold them at first until the games came along. I have never used my PS2 to play DVDs and I have never known any one who did. I got my PS2 when Final Fantasy 10 came out. The only reason that I bought the system, at the time. (I now have a ton of games.) I am one of those people that see my PS2 as a "game only" system. No movie will enter my sacred gaming machine. That would be an abomination. ;D

    As for "blu-ray" the last time I checked, the total price of the PS3 is cheaper than buying a stand alone blu-ray player. But it has been a while since I checked, prices may have dropped.
  15. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

    My phat PS2 seems overly loud when it's playing movies.
  16. ultra

    ultra Guest

    it's not rather you actually watch movies on your ps2 or not, but rather knowing that you're buying something that has those features, which makes them appealing to buy.

    the cheapest for blu-ray player is 490 dollars at either best buy or circuit city. hd dvd players are the cheapest at 300 dollars. so if you bought a ps3 system now, it would be like paying 10 dollars for the system, since the blu-ray player itself is 490 dollars. but then again you're also paying 490 dollars for something that may not have a future, so that would be a big loss.
  17. KeLW

    KeLW New Member

    lolol...ps3 is not cheap you know... but im surprised about GBA..i thought DS is hotter?
  18. EmuBoy

    EmuBoy Well-Known Member

    ummm 599$ for ps3 and 99$for gba i wonder why gba outsells ps3? ???
  19. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    This is an unfair comparison as the GBA has been around a hell of a lot longer than the PS3
  20. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    That was the very point of the thread. The PS3 being a new very hyped console selling less than a dated handheld which has already had a new generation released.

    Of course it's still an unfair comparison as the PS3 had a shortage of supplies and whatnot. Still served it purpose of making a little fun of Sony though. :)
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