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GBA graphics used in NDS games

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by timmy1991, Apr 10, 2009.

  1. timmy1991

    timmy1991 Well-Known Member

    It makes me so mad when they do that... why would they make a 2D sidescroller for a system that can support 3D graphics? that's like making a game with NES graphics on a PS3... just my opinion
  2. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    I personally think that the DS 2D graphics are much nicer than the DS 3D graphics. I'd rather have a crisp 2D sprite than a crappy polygon ridden 3D sprite.
  3. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    The 2D GPU is much more efficient. ^Has a point. Maybe if it supported more polygons and had a decent 3D GPU, then maybe they'd be used more often, but sadly it doesn't. Although the Matrix team did an excellent job on their FF remakes.
  4. gohanssj2a99

    gohanssj2a99 Active Member

    I agree the FF games are very pretty to look at but i have to admit some of the games have a pretty choppy 3d engine but that is how they learn from there mistakes it is just trial by error.
  5. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Your oppinions bite :(

    Aren't you pissed off that people play NES virtual games on their Wii? I know you are ;D

    That only shows you that fancy Schmancy 3D graphics aren't always a big factor.
  6. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    and ds 3D stuffs is mostly crappy and laggy
  7. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    I don't even care to be honest. 2D is great most of the time, and 3D even more so when done well.
  8. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Wasn't Megaman 9, done that way, they used the classic NES Megaman graphics/sprites on that game right?
  9. timmy1991

    timmy1991 Well-Known Member

    Okay, so just because no one apparently agrees with me doesn't make my opinion invalid
  10. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Yes it does, it means you're too narrow minded.
  11. Murderbox

    Murderbox Active Member

    I personally prefer 3D games on the DS, if it would make the gameplay better. Let's have an example, say Dementium. A 2D side scrolling survival horror couldn't scare a new born goat, let alone the 10-16+ year olds that usually play a DS. Whereas something like Professor Layton, there is no point doing it in 3D, as it is supposed to look 'cute.' (At least I think it is.) In 3D, it'd just look choppy and odd.

    That's my two cents.

    Edit: Oh, and the dual screen feature can compliment 2D graphics. Having menus on the top and the game on the bottom, or vice versa. Valkyire Profile (Sp?) does that, and it works very well.
  12. ultra

    ultra Guest

    there is a problem between the two worlds. when you make a game into 3d, it can't simply be from a concept that comes from the 2d world. i love megaman, especially the megaman x series, but there is no work around for the game into the 3d realm. of course there is megaman x7,x8 and even legends but the concept doesn't fully work. can you imagine a viewtiful joe in 3d? no way will that work.

    the people that made moon sure did a wonderful job as compared to the people that made orcs and elves [john carmacks team]. if you've read the john carmacks team blog from ign on their development of orcs and elves, it's sort of questionable as other companies were able to produce far superior end results then they were.
  13. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Orcs and Elves graphics I didn't mind at all, the old choppiness felt like those old DOS games.
  14. timmy1991

    timmy1991 Well-Known Member

    Murderbox apparently is the only one here who understands the point that I'm trying to get across... Some games are complimented by the 2D graphics, but most programmers should take advantage of the DS's potentials
  15. BerserkChip

    BerserkChip Active Member

    That's not what you said in your first post, though. You were complaining about 2D graphics on a system that 'can' support 3D graphics in general.

    And most of the 2D games in the DS are of a higher resolution than the GBA's. Just look at the difference between the GBA's Aria of Sorrow, and the sequel for the DS, Dawn of Sorrow, and I'm not even talking about the occasional 3d background. The sprites were just plain better.

    This may be an innacurate statement, but the GBA's 2D games are most likely 16 bit and down, while the DS likely supports 32 bits. I'm not sure if that's what it is exactly, but it would explain the clear crisp sprites used in the aforementioned DS game.

    HOWEVER, what makes your point COMPLETELY moot is that the GBA could support 3D graphics as well (Games such as Osmosis Jones and a few others were had 3D graphics) yet a lot of their games were in 2D. Why? Because 2D, 3D, or even graphics in GENERAL, DO NOT DETERMINE THE GAMEPLAY QUALITY. That's why a game like Sonic and the Black Knight, which had stellar graphics, presentation and music quality, got reviews like 3/10. The game play was just bad.

    Thats why graphics, music, and just visual presentation in general is not important in a game so long as it's fun.
  16. faune

    faune Well-Known Member

    I just wanted to say, Braid was an amazing game.

    Anyway, uh, yeah, the only game I can think of at the moment is Harvest Moon DS vs. Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness. The 2D graphics were MUCH better in my opinion.
  17. harjaz

    harjaz Well-Known Member

    I love some of the 2D games out for the DS, but I prefer when they modernize the graphics instead of just porting the exact same grpahics form the GBA. IMO, the best looking games for the DS combine 2d and 3d.
  18. xXRemXx

    xXRemXx Member

    Agree with this.

    I like the 2D graphics on the DS! I mean, 3D isn't bad or anything, but sometimes 2D is just easier.
  19. Ya I bought it for PC. It's great. I'd love to see a DS version sometime down the road.

    Personally I don't care about graphics anymore when it comes to the DS. It's about gameplay. For PC however its different as I know what it can handle. The DS wasn't made for steller 3D graphics in the first place.
  20. marcy

    marcy Guest

    It's nonsens to use 3D graphics, if you have no benefit from it. And it would be idiocy, if the game looks crappy because of it.
    If they can't make nice and fast 3D graphics on the system, they should keep their out of it and stay with 2D.