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GBA Games

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Renji217, May 16, 2009.

  1. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    Know any good ones?? So far Ive played

    Golden sun Both
    Medabots Both
    Final Fantasy All of them including Tactics
    Megaman & Bass
    Zelda Both
    Battle B-damon
    Mario RPG
    Pokemon All of them
    Shaman King Both

    Im workong on: all the Megaman Zero games
    : Battle B-damon
    I dont like: any FPS for the GBA (or any Gameboy)
    : Any Racing games on the GBA
    : Megaman Battle networks
  2. knightroad

    knightroad Well-Known Member

    Contra 3 Alien Wars (run and gun) aka Contra Advance

    Err I'm sort of a Contra freak.........
  3. grimsim1

    grimsim1 Well-Known Member

    Try Lufia. It is a solid RPG. I enjoyed it. The Breath of Fire games. WarioWare is a really fun arcade type game for GBA too. Try Fire Emblem too. That is awesome. It is a tactics RPG much like FF Tactics. Also Onimusha Tactics and Riviera.
  4. chrisover9000

    chrisover9000 Member

    I bought the gba just for pokemon and mario games....oh and golden sun...the other sh!t sucked
  5. hahahahaha

    hahahahaha Well-Known Member

    Summon Night: Swordcraft Story
    Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 2
    Fire Emblem games
  6. Wintrale

    Wintrale Well-Known Member

    Hmm... Both Advance Wars games are pretty awesome (the second one is actually surprisingly hard during certain missions) and they unlock stuff in Dual Strike. I also highly suggest the Boktai games. Other than that, have you played Sword of Mana?
  7. hahahahaha

    hahahahaha Well-Known Member

    Oh man, I forgot the Boktai games. In my opinion, some of the best for GBA. Pity the third was released in English.
  8. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    Boktai?? If you mean lunar nights then Ive already played it for the DS and it wasnt that good, and nither was Breath of fire or Fire Emblem (exept in SMASH)....
  9. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    surprised you didn't list any of the Kirby games.
  10. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    I tryed Tilt n Tumble but I couldnt get the hang of it and I stopped....
  11. Wintrale

    Wintrale Well-Known Member

    You're not an SRPG fan, then? Hmm... I was going to suggest FFTA, which is an amazing game.
  12. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    I played FFT:A2 for the DS. That was a fantastic game and I thought that this would be good too but it was like playing a whole different game. The build your own map thaing was unusual, the judge on the screen was unexpected and they didnt have my Ninja or Samuri class. Plus whats up with the snowball fight in the start of the game??
  13. Wintrale

    Wintrale Well-Known Member

    It's called the tutorial. :D

    And yes, there is a Ninja class. The only major differences between FFTA and FFTA2 is that, in FFTA, there are no grossly overpowered classes like the Geomancy Parivir (or Samurai, as you call them) or the Blood Price Summoners. The whole "build your own map thing" is awesome, if you ask me. Put areas in specific places and viola, you'll unlock very useful and rare items. I thought it was pretty cool. FFTA, as well, is much harder - mostly due to no ultimate class for each race and much fiercer competition during optional missions.

    All in all, FFTA is far better a game than FFTA2. The plot is one of the more interesting ones I've played, although you'll have to see it to the end to work out what I mean. I also prefer the shop system in FFTA, as well. Did I mention that, unlike FFTA2, you actually have to fight to keep the areas under your control? It's not a simple case of winning an auction, you have to beat up the people who own the area then keep any other clans from taking said areas off your hands.
  14. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    The shop system in A2 was much better!! It had the dressing room that made buying things for each character so much more simple. Plus you dont have to bust out your friends from jail if they broke a rule.
  15. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    Astroboy is pretty good, ...I liked it anyway.
  16. Wintrale

    Wintrale Well-Known Member

    Yeah, the law system sucked... But in a way, the law system in FFTA2 is far too lax. Breaking laws in FFTA2 doesn't even detrimentally affect you or your party in any way outside of not being given a few bonus items (generally useless stuff) by the Judge after the battle. At least in FFTA, the laws are not to be broken. Break the law and you risk losing the person on your team, rather than a few pointless items.

    Besides, the laws in FFTA affect BOTH sides. Meaning, later on when you get Law Cards that can change what the current laws are, you could turn the tables of the battle by switching a few rules around in your favour. Sure, the laws were brutal but the depth they added is unquestionable.

    FFTA2 would have been a million times better had it given me the opportunity to upload my team from FFTA... But it didn't, which kinda defeated the point in having connectivity between the two games.
  17. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    I dont know about that last part. I mean the best part of FF games, atleast for me, was switching from the different classes and leveling them up to create the best master class.
  18. Wintrale

    Wintrale Well-Known Member

    Well, the point with FFTA was that there was no ultimate class - there were a number of set ups you could gun for that would work very well. Everything was up to you. Personally, Marche became a Paladin/Fighter with Dual Swords (a Sequencer and a Nagrarok, if you were wondering). But I also had a Hume who ran as Blue Mage/Illusionist with Geomancy (making him, basically, as powerful magickally speaking as Marche was physically). Both were remarkably effective, neither moreso than the other, and both were definitely important. Then you had Ritz and Shara, the two Viera, being an Assassin/Sniper and Red Mage/Summoner, respectively. Again, neither was better than the other but both were worth working on.

    I don't actually remember any Final Fantasy game with ultimate classes... FFIII DS, for example, was even better in that respect. No classes available in the game (excluding the mage classes) were better than any other, since your final set up for all four characters was more important than any one character's class - just like FFTA.
  19. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    Actualy I beat the entire FFTA2 with just 4 people.... (Main character)A Hume Ninja/Parivir, a Viera Summoner/White Mage, a Nu Mou Arcanist/Black Mage, and a Bangaa Trickster/Master Monk. I never used anyone else unless I had to....
  20. Wintrale

    Wintrale Well-Known Member

    Well, to be honest... You could destroy the entire game with four characters - Two Humes, a Viera and a Bangaa - and you wouldn't even need to bother with the Heritor class.

    A Hume Parivir/Fighter. Equip them with the Hyakushiki-masamune and a Crimson Tear, give them the Geomancy Support Ability and spam away with Flair attacks. You'll easily do, as I'm doing, 500-600 damage per hit.

    A Hume Illusionist/Seer. Equip them with the Heretic Rod and four Golden Amulets, give them the Geomancy Support Ability and spam away at Illusionist Magicks. They'll never get hurt, since they never need to go anywhere near enemies, yet they'll attack all enemies with incredibly damaging elemental magicks and physical attacks simultaneously.

    A Viera Summoner Red Mage. Equip her with the Heretic Rod, give them the Blood Price Support Ability and spam double Summons every single turn while your enemy mages are still trying to gather the MP needed to use Cure.

    Finally, a Bangaa Master Monk/White Monk. Equip him with the Whale Whisker, give him the Unscarred Support Ability and just pummel everything there is to pummel. When it comes to raw power, only the Parivir Fighter can match this guy.

    That's why FFTA2 grew boring for me after 100 hours or so... I can trounce Brightmoon Tor on any level with just those four and they're only Level 70 or something, while their enemies are almost always Level 99. Remember the Five Kings? They didn't last more than three turns against those four characters. That's how ridiculous it is... There's almost no challenge at all in a game that gives you ultimate set ups for each race, only to then make that ultimate set up stupidly overpowered to the point where they can wipe out enemies at least 30 levels higher than themselves...

    Which is why I really can't recommend FFTA enough. It's much, much, tougher than FFTA2 and much more rewarding to boot... Heck, even the story is miles better (query: who's the real bad guy in FFTA?).