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GBA EMulator for ds

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by kingdaddy, May 8, 2010.

  1. kingdaddy

    kingdaddy Member

    i know people say just get ez 3 in 1 expansion pack but isnt their a way to play it on the r4 plz give me a answer if their is than posy link thank you
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    they tell you to get an ez 3 in 1 because there is no other way...
  3. Batman168

    Batman168 Well-Known Member

    Well, as much as I love saying things like this....
    You need to not be lazy, and just google it, or search on the forums, hell.. i'm sure it's been answered on here before, even.
    And also, when requesting something, proper grammar, or something close to being proper, would be nice to have, it makes everyone's lives easier.

    but to answer your question.... No, you cannot play GBA roms on a slot 1 device (which is what the R4 is) without a slot 2 device (which is the ez 3 in 1) and the 3 in 1 isn't that expensive, either, wouldn't be a bad investment.. imo

    EDIT: oh, and i'm sorry I was kinda rude about it, no hard feelings, I didn't mean to sound like a jerk
  4. eyeball226

    eyeball226 Well-Known Member

    I hate it when people say 'Don't tell me what everyone else did, just tell me what I want to hear!!!'. There's a reason everyone says this, it's because it IS the only way unless you want to buy a new flash cart. If you get an iPlayer then there is a GBA emulator you can use but I hear it's not fullspeed and the compatibility isn't great.
  5. toyeboy

    toyeboy Member

    if you want to play GBA roms on ur ds you'll have to get the EZ 3 in 1 (it's only $20)....I'm in the same boat as you though i thought there would be a GBA emulator but there isn't, as it's not possible on a slot 1 card. oh well.
  6. MohsinMVP

    MohsinMVP Well-Known Member

    $20.00??? Dude tell me the website where you get it? I remember seeing it for 30 bucks or something.
  7. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

  8. kyle82309

    kyle82309 Member

    there is only 1 gb emulator for r4 its called lameboy it only has gbc and gb not gba though gb=gameboy
    gbc is gameboy color
  9. ready4failure

    ready4failure Member

    ok, i h8 to sound redundant and a dreamer, but i just want to understand the exact reason why. i kno the RAM isnt the same, but is there any other specific reason? i mean it doesnt make sense for a load of reasons that sooo many things are possible for a flash card, and there are emulators for a psps and computer and such, but its supposedly impossible. without trying to start something, can someone just like, PM me an explanation that is as thorough as possible, but still easy to understand, because, although this sounds really stupid, i refuse to accept this, even tho ive known it to be impossible for a long time
  10. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    There are emulators for the PSP, Computer, etc, because the PSP, Computer, etc. have more power than the DS.
    The DS hardware alone isn't enough to emulate the GBA hardware.

    Just because you refuse to accept it, doesn't make it any less true.

    The DS Hardware can barely emulate SNES successfully. While most of problems come from the SNES games that had additional graphics processing hardware built into the SNES cartridges themselves the problems still exist. Computer emulators for the SNES system are nearly perfect. Due to better hardware and probably easier programming.

    I'd say one of the biggest issues is the DS doesn't have a separate graphics processor.

    PSP Specs

    Note some of the key differences, including major differences in processor speeds.
  11. ready4failure

    ready4failure Member

    hmmm it makes sense, its just wierd, thats all. a gba game should pale in comparison to the needs of an nds game, so you should think that it would be possible someow, BUT if you do look up there, i did recognize that it prob isnt happening and so yeah.. thanx....