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Gay[Directed at homo. males] looked further down upon as opposed to Lesbians?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by manny2260, Aug 15, 2009.

  1. manny2260

    manny2260 Well-Known Member

    Excuse my abbreviation of the word homosexual. It was for the sake of title length. I personally don't like to abbreviate it as such. It, to me, sounds like something that would be often said by middle schoolers.


    From my perspective, the reason Lesbians are more widely accepted as opposed to homosexual men, is because, as straight men Lesbians are considered to be a kind of sexual fantasy, and many assume its sexy. Which may not apply seeing as how many lesbian women are not lipstick lesbians, and are well... ugly by usual standards. But as aforementioned, I guess lesbians are frowned upon to a lesser degree because the female and female relation ship is shrouded by that lipstick lesbian, oh so very hot, kind of feel.

    Next, on the point of homosexual men, thought I can't really say I am for gay rights etc, I don't bare a grudge against them akin to that of many. Flamboyant gays have created a stigma which causes many people to believe that all homosexuals are outrageous in their behavior. As aforementioned by others, that is not true. Many gay men, would not be suspected of being gay if it weren't for them admitting so.

    And I find the whole gays are against gods wishes thing, sheer-ly ignorant. I personally, am atheist, so let that be known as you continue to read. But anyway, if anything, its god's fault for instilling man with lust, curiosity, etc. Which are all factors in the discovery of homosexuality. many may say it is Satan who instills the lust etc. But according to catholic doctrine, he is an omnipotent being. In which case, he would be able to eliminate that. Or at bare minimum, restrain it. In all men and women. But that's besides the point.

    So, is it just me?
    Or does it seem that the majority of men don't look down on lesbians to such an extreme degree as opposed to views against homosexual men?
  2. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    true most men seem to look at lesbians as a wet dream fantasy of 2 vaginas... while they think of homo. men as penis fencing and pooper stabbing
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    homosexual means attracted to the same sex, so lesbians are just as homosexual as gay men.

    To a certain extent, I think the gay community is causing a lot of their own problems, primarily, as manny said, as a result of the flamboyant gays and the gay pride parades, which are something of a carnival in both appearance and atmosphere. I strongly believe that these parades are not necessary in this day and age, and they give off a lot of the wrong impressions of the gay community. Gay pride had its place in history, when gays were fighting for equality. Now gays are legally considered equal, all gay pride does, in my opinion, is enforce negative stereotypes of gays.
  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I have to agree-they can create thier own problems at times-not all but some do...

    On today tonight (current affair type show in australia) they were talking about the "bruno" movie-there are guys just like Bruno that support mit-yet some-those who don't act outragoues....that hate the concept.

    In otherwords-depending on the day-I see them as hypocrites or just as crazy as the rest of us-they stand themselves out, get attention, then complain about it.
  5. royj

    royj Well-Known Member

    i dont really hear about stories about lesbians going about the place making trouble so as to get a high profile status. its true, some men dont see anything wrong with lesbians, i have to admit, i too dont have a problem.. but as i said before, gays are always with their gay and proud status and does bring about their down fall. if gays were like lesbian ( keeping a low profile and having intercource in their own private time and keeping their composure, they would have been looked at equally
  6. Krusha

    Krusha Well-Known Member

    I beleive two factors in this (first I'd like to point out I agree that homosexual males are looked down upon more then females)
    1) Yes the "gay pride" has a lot to do with it, to be honest I'm glad their proud of it but this leads to the second point
    2) The religious undertones, lets face it, christianity is the largest religion in the areas that speak english as the main language, and christians beleive homosexuality to be a sin.

    Now, as for my views on the subject:
    Does it really matter what their sexual preferences are? I'm fine with gays, I'm fine with lesbians, yes it sucks that 2 of the girls I've gone out with have turned out to be lesbians (I'm cursed...)...
    Never actually told anyone cos I'm not sure but I'm starting to think I'm Bi, I still DEFINATELY like females so I'm not gay... but males aren't a turn "off" perse... I dunno...

    Now that my debate/rant is done... I dunno, have fun with it.
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    only certain segments of christanity, the rest aren't really that bothered about it.