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Gantz Disscusion

Discussion in 'Anime, Manga & Cartoons' started by cottonballs64, Dec 1, 2009.

  1. cottonballs64

    cottonballs64 Active Member

    I need to clear my system of all this built-up Gantz energy!
    Anyway, I'll start it with something that I've wanted to say to someone who's read the manga:

    If you had gotten 100 points, what would you choose from the 100-Points Menu?

    1 - Be set free with your memory wiped
    2 - Be given a stronger weapon, and continue playing
    3 - Be able to bring to life someone from Gantz's memory bank (If so who, and why)

    Check-check-check it: My Answer

    I would choose option 3, and I would bring to life... myself!
    I'd eventually want a group of myself, because we'd be an awesome team.

    I'd love to hear other people's opinions, thanks to those who answer!
  2. ShaaRonn

    ShaaRonn New Member

    I would choose 1 because of all the stuff u have to deal with when u r there and when you're not(ex. keepin it a secret and not using your suit). I would rather live a normal boring life than have to kill aliens, buddha statues, and humans. It seemed cool at first but after watching everybody u love die and having to butcher people and things I figured it's not worth going back into gantz. So in conclusion, 1 is my choice. Set me free and just wipe my bad memories clean so I can start a fresh new life with a little less drama and killing lol.
  3. gespenst

    gespenst New Member

    i'd choose the weapon cause up until katastrophe 1 group was enough to handle most of the aliens. if i kept choosing the new weapon option id definitely survive
  4. cottonballs64

    cottonballs64 Active Member

    Hmm yes, that last mission before the end of Phase 2 was super-crazy. I wouldn't be able to survive that. Surprised me that more of the characters didn't die there.

    It's nice conversing with those who have actually seen the anime/read the manga.