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Gaming isn't what it used to be, but which games bring YOU back?

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by xelados, Nov 3, 2009.

  1. xelados

    xelados Well-Known Member

    Anyone who's been a long-time gamer (SNES era and before) knows that they just don't make games the way they used to. Gems seemed to be all over the place back then, and the crap was easy to ignore. Today, gems are few and far between and the crap/shovelware is all over the place. Despite this sad fact, there are still games out there that remind us why we love video games. This topic is dedicated to talking about those games, so people can find the diamonds in the rough. I'll start things off.

    As far as recent games are concerned, Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story was extremely good. It blew Partners in Time out of the water, had a great script, and the gameplay was rewarding, challenging, and humorous. The last time I had that much fun with a Mario RPG was with Superstar Saga. It's somewhat rare for gamers to find a simple, but very well-polished game that retains its fun factor without being painfully easy. Bowser's Inside Story is one of those games, in my opinion.

    Which modern games (released within the past 4-5 years or so) are so great that they remind you why you got into video games?
  2. jdhasson

    jdhasson Active Member

    I recently played Black Sigil for the DS, and while its not really a great game, its whole vibe brought me back to playing Chrono Trigger in grade school.
  3. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    That BS : BOTE really makes you remember chrono trigger as well the FF in snes version.. ;D
  4. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    gaming back then is a exclusive hobby for people who go through all the trouble unlocking special weapon, stages or cheat, they do everything the game has to offer.

    gaming now days is a staple hobby for everyone even some of them just play the game for the sake of playing them, not to beat the game 100%

    now everyone can call themself gamer when they or play the game in the easiest settings or have gimmick console.
  5. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    For me its Super Robot Taisen OG Saga : Endless Frontier ;D
    Map reminds me of all the nice SNES RPG's I've played ;D
  6. hahahahaha

    hahahahaha Well-Known Member

    Nostalgia. Is very nostalgic.
  7. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    a true sequel to Chrono Trigger (not that Chrono Cross crap), or an entirely new story but still based on the CT concept, would be great.
  8. Sarah Kreuz

    Sarah Kreuz Well-Known Member

    yeahyeah *sighhhhhhhh*: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADvKn2fRWFs&feature=rec-HM-r2 :'(

    So the last Game that was REALLY kicking me (and turning me into a gaming-wh**e ;)) was Star Wars - Knights of the old Republic I+II. This kind of feeling you got, when you`re playing something special, unique and you are even a PART of the Game (you know what I mean...cannot descripe it better ;)). There are many good Games out there, and sure....they are worth playing....but..........hmm *shoulder-twitch*.....none of them brought me BACK (as you described it perfectly, xelados). Well, except these Star Wars RPG`s (and in some way even "Heroes of Might & Magic V").

    I guess I`m getting old. :-\
  9. alexpk86

    alexpk86 Well-Known Member

    I think that my gaming experience has been screwed up when I played Earthworm Jim 2: I was 10 years old more or less and I did not understand a single thing about what was happening in that videogame..

    Anyway, since I've only been playing on a DS recently, I think that the Zelda, Castelvania (except the Aria/Dawn of Sorrow and that emo character :-\), Megaman, Kirby, Mario sagas are faithful to the old times. What's harder to find is a challenging rpg: I tried Etrian Odyssey by chance and I think it's a spark of genius, even though the story is not very noteworthy (actually there are enough twist and turns to surprise you and I've played more grinding-centered MMORPG, so I'm truly not complaining here...)

    Another cool saga of rpgs is the "Tales of ..." one. I played the Tales of Destiny and Tales of Eternia for PSX, but - speaking about DS - unfortunately it seems that nobody's interested in releasing it outside Japan (there are 3 chapters out already).

    Oh yeah I really like Shmups a lot and I think Nanostray 2 is good.
    Of course Contra 4, Metal Slug 7 and Commando Steel Disaster are in the list too, even though they are *a bit* too frustrating and tend to spoil the fun >_>

    Also Sonic Rush Adventure feels like old-school Sonic on Sega Mega Drive.
  10. fdgsaoralex

    fdgsaoralex Well-Known Member

    I wish I felt the same... alas, to me there has been no good sonic game released since Sonic & Knuckles... I miss my mega drive years. Being around 3 or 4 when I got it and going blockbusters every weekend to rent a game for the weekend, most of the time I'd get to the second or third level and that was it... I'd just bash it up to there all weekend hoping I could get further. On the rare occasion I would actually get far or complete a game, I would feel an uber sense of accomplishment for weeks afterwards and brag to all my friends when I did something like this :p

    If I were to bring back any game now... it'd be a new, good sonic game. Maybe on Wii virtual console or something, going back to oldschool 2D action that made sonic so great back in the day. (Like with the release of megaman 9)
  11. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Contra 4...

    I grew up with the originals-so THIS was perfect!

    Otherwise it's just the odd racing game or arcade shooter.
  12. asdzxc123789

    asdzxc123789 Well-Known Member

    Well gaming isnt only DS so I would like to say Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, Borderlands, Brutal Legend and many more.

    From upcoming games; All Ps3, 360 exclusives.
  13. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Counterstrike 1.6, it's old and it's still popular today.
  14. Lechongbaboy

    Lechongbaboy Well-Known Member

    Mr.Mappy. Hell yeah.
  15. sealwish

    sealwish Member

    any game that is a mario game or kirby game is a classic!!!
    go mario and kirby!
  16. grizzlayyy

    grizzlayyy Member

    i would have to say
    -final fantasy series

    since I got into gaming from a babysitter who would bring rpgs to my house, and i would watch him and be in awe.
  17. ir4

    ir4 Well-Known Member

    final fantasy good times
  18. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    The legendary starfy reminded me of the good platformers of the day!! i don't know why, but i prefer simple games where you have a few set moves and you just move from left to right!!
  19. mastersworddude

    mastersworddude Active Member

    New Super Mario Bros. and the Sonic Rush games.
    How does a rocker running around killing demons bring you back to the 8-bit days? o_O
  20. xelados

    xelados Well-Known Member

    Sonic Rush Adventure was pretty good, but you're right; most of the new Sonics don't capture his feel. Sonic Advance 1 came somewhat close, because it had something called "level design", lol.

    I feel similarly, except I owned an SNES. Gaming back then was pretty great; you still had your shovelware but consumers were reasonably smart and stayed away from it. Today, parents will buy their kids anything that features their favorite mascot just to 'babysit' them for a few hours. Rather pathetic IMO, but I digress.

    At least we have ROMulation for 'renting' DS games. I can't speak for anyone else, but I do buy the games I enjoy.

    As another example, I have to agree that Mega Man 9 is fantastic. If other companies can recapture the essence of their older games (new graphics or not) and give gamers something new to play through, it's a winner in my book.

    Have you seen vids for Castlevania Rebirth? It might be worth getting. :O