I know this is a stupid question, but 'What do you think about girls who enjoy playing games?' I for one think that girls who enjoy flipping the DS open once in a while are pretty cool . When I get a gf I hope she's a bit of a gamer too (yes, I dont have a gf yet so stop the giggling).
I love gaming girl cause I love game too. There are a lot of gaming girls in my country especially online gamer and Warcraft III DotA player. Some of them have an insane skill, cool but deadly.
I'm a girl gamer, and I enjoy videogames as Kingdom Hearts, Zelda, Final Fantasy, Phoenix Wright, Guitar Hero, TWEWY etc. I could go on, but I won't Seriously if I play Naruto Ultimate Ninja with one of my male friends, I always win XD
Haha even I couldn't beat you and I play games whenever I get the chance DotA, huh? I don't know a single girl at my school who enjoys warcraft. Maybe they're hiding something...
I am not an active DotA player anymore so I am not quite sure if there still lot off girls who enjoy DotA, but two years ago yes they are. But one thing for sure girls love playing puzzle game in their mobile phone.
I love gamer girls. Nothing is hotter than losing to a girl in gears of war 2 or street fighter 4... or any game really.
People that use the term 'girl gamer' need to DIAF. Gamers are split about 50/50 down the gender line, it was a stupid sexist phrase when it was coined, & it's worse now. It just reeks of attention whoring when a girl uses it, & drooling chauvinism when a guy says it. -_-;; Let. It. Die.
Terms are coined for a reason. When the word Miner is heard, a male with a pickaxe comes to mind. Then the word maid, a female in a white garb with an apron. There are just some words that require a male or female counterpart, thus "Gamer Girl" was born. It's not exactly offensive or bad in it's sense, it rather comes down to specifics, thats all. PS. I too enjoy a Gamer Girl's company. My Girlfriend kicks my ass at Wii Sports every now and then.
I don't really see what's so "hot" about a girl that plays games. =/ Playing games is playing games. It doesn't magically make them look prettier or more entertaining or anything. If the girl likes games, it's just an extra option you can use to spend time with her. I'll never understand why people absolutely insist on finding a girl that plays games when there's millions of other things you can do with them besides that. My 0.02
While I admit that you're right for the most part, I'd say that the "OMG HOT" reaction is due to finding someone with the same interests as you, which in turn sparks the train of thought "oh yay, maybe she won't be like the other girls who shun me for spending hours on my <insert console here>", which in turn leads to "hey, if I'm not shunned, sex may follow!". That said, I found it rather attractive when someone said to me that she owned a SNES with FF4. And liked it. EDIT: HEY HOLD ON A SECOND YOU ARE SINGLE REIDER, YOUR OPINION IS SILLY <3
I think that putting ladies into categories and then assuming their personality based upon a single trait (hobby?) is demeaning and patronising. If a single thing as trivial as whether or not a girl likes gaming is enough for you to decide whether or not you wish to be friends with her or begin a relationship with her then unless she is obsessed with gaming to the point that it blocks out all other aspects of her personality, rendering her a gaming vegetable (such as a mushroom with eyes- lol*) it should never really be a deal-breaker either way. *I did not really laugh out loud at my witticism, if you did you are an imbecile.
It's an unnecessary distinction though. It's like, we don't say 'female fireman', 'male nurse', 'girl fisherman', etc. Calling yourself a gamer is fine, the gender distinction doesn't make a girl a special little snowflake. @_@ Personally speaking, whenever a guy tells me it's hot that I play video games, it makes me grimace. My advice is share your interest in gaming with her, but don't treat it like a huge turnon, it's just creepy.
You can't tell people what to see as a turn on or not. Everyone has their own idiosyncracies, and men liking women who play videogames are one of them. It just so happens that a lot of men like women who play videogames, which might be the reason SOME people see it as demeaning and offending. Bottom line is, each person has the final say with what they find hot and arousing. To me, Gamer Girls are hot. And it doesnt matter how I call females who play video games. As long as whoever I'm talking to get the idea. Coz if I said "Gamers turn me on.", What the hell would my friends say? Exactly.
At the end of the day, a gamer is a gamer, just being a girl (maybe a preety one) makes them seem preetier. Not that I want that-I want one to pull me away from these devices...not one that keeps me chained up to machine
I agree. Sadly, liking gaming when you are female seems to have the unwanted side effect of attracting weirdos who idolise you (well meaning weirdos and otherwise) and if their image of perfect gaming harmony is threatened they tend to lash out. This is often the case when male and female gamers chat on forums (in my experience) it doesn't take much more than a small differing of opinions before guys start throwing around words like "sl*t" and "wh*re". It makes me ashamed to be male. Do you feel that it could be because of the fact that the female characters they see in video games are often sexualised and can't argue back? (question to everyone).
I make mistakes, thats who i am, I think gamer girls are cool, and the cute ones are hot... Its the fact that I'm a male and most of these girls are out in the real world while i, and my friends are stuck in cyberspace. the opportunity of a girl that plays with you in a videogame is awesome because , face it, i'm a guy that plays games most of the time (and goes on romulation)... I still treat a girl with respect and i don't sling profanity around when things don't go as planned ("be a gentleman," my grandfather said as he passed into the heavens above with one last sigh "and every girl will love you, no matter what you look like,") its kinda complicated at the fact that, some guys think of girls that play games as exact clones of themselves... that is why you should do something else with her also (rebuild the transmission of an '82 bronco together, nothing spells love like a greasy jumpsuit )