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gaming from a blindness perspective

Discussion in 'RomUlation Online' started by jukesy92, Dec 29, 2009.

  1. jukesy92

    jukesy92 Member

    For those who don't know who I am, check the introductions forum. I'll just say this: I am a totally blind gamer, with a ps3, ps2, ps1 (in working condition), nintendo 64, gameboy advanced, psp, and pc. I play games through sound and memorisation.
    I'll answer a few common questions first.
    q: how do you play games?
    a: I learn the menus, and learn the mechanics of the game, and learn what each sound means. I may get help just to get started.
    q: how do you know where things are, and what sorts of games do you play?
    a: through the sounds. Most games these days are in stero, so I sometimes follow the sound. Sometimes I don't really get anywhere though, especially in free-roaming games. I can't play every single game. I can play fighting games, like mortal kombat vs dc universe, soul calibur iv, and the newly released tekken 6. I can also play music games like the rock band and guitar hero series. Other than that, I just mess around and try to do things in games that I can't play. In racing games I'll offen crash, but it's fun to hear the sounds of the different cars. In other games I just get stuck and can't find where to go next.
    Also, if anyone wants me to record myself playing games (it'll be audio only), let me know. Unfortunately the recordings will be in mono as my mp3 player's in-built mic just supports that. I have the following games on ps3:
    soul calibur iv, mortal kombat vs dc universe, dragon ball z burst limit, tekken 6, guitar hero smash hits, band hero, all the rock band games released to date. I have the following downoads:
    invincible tiger, dante's inferno demo, dragon ball raging blast demo, brutal legend demo, star trek dac trial version, zombie apokalypse trial version, and 1942 joint strike full game. I have bionic commando re-armed trial but I gave up. Totally unplayable for me. If you guys have any requests, let me know, and i'll record them.
    Also if you have any questions, ask away. sorry for the really long post.
  2. rock91

    rock91 Well-Known Member

    Wow...you are interesting...Cool dude :D
  3. zerobahamut

    zerobahamut Well-Known Member

    Wow, your so pro and you even know how to type1 Thats so awsome :)
  4. jukesy92

    jukesy92 Member

    Yes, been learning since a very young age. But. onto gaming. I am going to record some gameplay stuff today. I'll do several different games and I will post the link to the mp3 file when I'm done. I plan to do a few levels of heavenly sword, and a bit of rock band and band
  5. haseoTOD

    haseoTOD Guest

    Do Dante's Inferno! But we'll probably just here some screaming, huh? :p

    Do Rockband on Very Hard instead. ;D
  6. darkphire

    darkphire Active Member

    this is so weird can you play tekken 6?? add me if you have PSN my name is DarkPhire
    man you're so cool though like a daredevil for gamers
    Iv'e always wanted to ask a blind person this so here it goes how do you know what people really look like
    I dont mean like hair color i mean like do you think in you're head of what the person you're talking too looks like
    what about other things like cars...man soo much i want to ask you lol
  7. jukesy92

    jukesy92 Member

    Hi all,
    I have some bad news. I am not entirely sure where my mp3's usb cable is gone. So, I can't upload that recording that I did. However, I'm thinking of doing another on, as in this one there were a few, shall we say, technical difficulties and interuption. Dante's inferno will be done. Rock band will be done. I will use lego rock band for now. I'll also do a bit of tekken 6. I'll get sited help to add any psn users to my ps3, but messages won't be able to really be read, not unless I got someone to check every day. If any of you have something like msn messenger, send me a private message with your msn and I'll add you to that, as we can communcate without sited help, my screen reader will do all the work, heheh. As to what people look like, I sort of imagine what they look like, but I don't do that all the time. Oh, did you guys see the psn store update this week? capcom have released a demo of the game "dark void", which I might get, just for latest game demo's sake, I wonder how accessible it'll be. I'll get sited hel with that. But, here's the big thing: rock band store, no sited help required at all! I'll just preview the latest tracks. if there's something I like I can buy it without help. I'm sorry I'm going into several different games in one post, and I better stop here, it's getting really long!
  8. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i have a question.

    i know that you play rock band and the like but i've been wanting to know for ages how you learn the songs, do you just hit the buttons till you hit the right ones or is it a mixture of that and sighted help until you memorize the song?

    also what difficulty do you play on.
  9. jukesy92

    jukesy92 Member

    I play it with a mixture of the following things:
    1. Logic: if I've heard a song before I'll attempt to guess the song on the assumption thaton easy, green is for low notes, red is slightly higher and yellow is slightly higher still.
    2. Guess work: If I haven't heard a song it's time for guess work. To help with this, if I get the first note, I then wait until the track stops, that tells me when to strum next. I then take it from there.
    I play on easy guitar, but I can do a bunch of songs on hard or even expert bass, which absalutely is fun! and when you have a microphone stand, doing guitar and vocals at the same time is the real business of fun!!!! Haven't donet aht for a while, but when I do, wow, it really rocks. But the best thing is playing with your friends. Getting a full band is whenit really gets fun. I have done a few online things but I prefer playing at the same house as you can hear others strumming and drumming.
  10. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    that's cool and i guess that you have the advantage of not having sight once your learn the song cause i most certainly can not play and sing at the same time when playing guitar hero as i'm constantly watching all the note dot things.
  11. jukesy92

    jukesy92 Member

    Hey all,
    For the past few days I've been playing the game Dissidia: Final Fantasy on PSP. It's the only final fantasy game that a blind person can play. I am very impressed with it, the music, the opening cut scene was great, and the grid system is pretty neet. If there's something in a square it makes a different sound when you get to it. But, I am not sure about leveling up. Does it level you up automatically or do you have to use the triangle customise menu to gain a level, and what option in that menu is it? Also, I haven't equiped any new weapons, a again, I'm not sure of which option I select. Also how to gain more attacks, i can only use 2 brave attacks and sometimes 2 hp attacks but mostly only 1.
  12. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    wow...blind gaming
    How do you type though?
  13. jukesy92

    jukesy92 Member

    I've been learning since about six years old. Anyway, I've given up on dissidia, I got really stuck. I'll go back to it sometime though, but I've just gotten frustrated with the first boss in the warrior of light's story.
    I recently completed guitar hero: smash hits (known as greatest hits in the uk), vocal career. It was a very impressive audio experience as each venu had a different sound, there were cut scenes, and encores were very impressive -- the intros of them. I particularly liked the bark at the moon encore intro.
  14. tomdog12244

    tomdog12244 New Member

    dude u are amazing, if you could play ttfaf and 100 that you would totally be in a world record book XD
  15. bpmp

    bpmp New Member

    That's really awesome man, kudos for being amazing.

    Did anyone else hear about the blind person who just beat Ocarina of Time?
  16. jukesy92

    jukesy92 Member

    Hi all,
    I have checked otu some ps3 demos lately: GTI club, need for speed shift and batman arkham asylum. With ned for speed shift, I can't get very far but that's obvious. It's a racing game and I knew it wouldn't be playable. Howevr, GTI club seems to be another story. While not completely playable, I can get to about the fifth or sixth checkpoint without doing much. But, I wish I could learn the layout of thetrack, which is what I'm trying to do. Now, on o batman arkham asylum: the audio is impressive, but again, it's a game with quite a lot of walking about. I can do the first 2 fights but after that I don't know where to go. But I noticed that things make sounds like chattering teeth, various alarms and equipment, and if you turn around the sound also pans in stereo. It's pretty neet, and I use that trick to get over the fire in dante's inferno demo. God of war 3 is a cool demo too, but it's almost impossible to know where to go as thee isn't much in the way of audio accept the enemies. WHen there's nothing there you're just wondering around aimlessly until you get sighted help.
    I plan on getting sega megadrive ultimte collection, and, possibly, final fantasy xiii, a blind friend of mine said that if you persiveer with it, you can learn sounds of different items like chests and save points. This has made me curious and I definitely want to try out the game.
    So that's my update for now. If you have any questions, or comments on the games, don't hesitate to post them. I'm especially interested in what you guys think of final fantasy xiii, and I don't mean from my perspective, I mean in general. Is it worth getting?
  17. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    30minute boss fights.

    May I ask, how to do you 'see' what we're saying? Does someone read it to you. Sorry if taken offensive, but I'm just curious.
  18. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    He has a screen reader, which is a program that reads the content of his screen through the speakers.
  19. Kiekoes

    Kiekoes Guest

    You are the coolest gamer ever! It must be incredibly hard to do games on sound! Let's contact 'Guinnes World Records: Gamers Edition' to make a world record! Highest score on Guitar Hero from a blind person, what do you think?
  20. kingdaddy

    kingdaddy Member

    u are a beast
    (good) thats is incredible