Hi. My name is Cody, but my friends just call me Zero. Anyways, I write articles for a site called Triond and I was hoping to share them here. They are gaming relevent. As it stands right now, I only have two and I intend to update this very often. Or rather as often as I write new articles. They'll range from reviews to full walkthroughs. If you have a game you'd like to see reviewed(I will in fact be able to find and play the game more often then not. Promise), or a walkthrough, boss FAQ, anything, let me know on here and I'll see what I can do. Anyways, these are the only two articles I have right now: Metroid Prime 3: Corruption Boss FAQ Part One: http://gameolosophy.com/games/action/metroid-prime/metroid-prime-3-corruption-boss-faq/ Part Two: Coming soon Nintendo Console History http://gameolosophy.com/consoles/nintendos-console-history/ Coming Soon to a Console Near You Part One: Coming soon The Future of Nintendo Coming Soon
Nice articles, man. I wouldn't recommend this to a Sony or Microsoft fanboy because they'd muster up a storm about Blue-Ray this and Online play that but your writing is very suitable to a Nintendo fan such as myself. I liked how you used language that made the articles sound personal and involving. I hope those "coming soon" tags mean really soon. I elevate my thumb to you, sir.
Very Nice, but in "the history of nintendo consoles" you forgot the TV games (TV Game 6, etc) and all of the portables. You have a good style of writing, though, keep it up.
Most of my writing is done early in the morning. I mean like 4-8 o'clock in the morning, so I may leave stuff out every once in a while. As for forgetting the portables in The History of Nintendo Consoles one...well...like it says, consoles. Portables fall under handhelds, not consoles. Although, I do intend to do a handheld history. And then when there's more info for whatever, I intend to do a Future of Nintendo article.
Currently writing: Metroid Prime 3 Boss FAQ part two! Stage: Finished writing the Defense Drone fight ETA: Within the next three days Next Project: Nintendroots: A Full History of Nintendo