here's my idea. I know that a lot of you out there have a game that you played once, really liked, and then lost / returned / forgot the name of / it got taken offline / etc... I see forums like this for books as well as movies and games in other place, perhaps this would be a good place for another of similar intent. You can either post a game you've forgotten, posting as much detail as you can remember about it, or you can help others who are requesting. I will edit this page to show the current list of games that have been "recovered" here (hence the database tag in the subject line) along with a brief description. I suggest listing what system it's from if you can remember and also a brief idea of how long ago you played it. All systems are welcome (and I believe that this is the right place for this... if not, apologies, I couldn't see putting it into one of the specific console sections) I've got a few in mind that I can't find: three to be exact: 1. This was a downloadable archer based defense game. You had archers in a stadium bleacher looking thing, on each row. You pressed space-bar to fire at oncoming enemies. At the same time you had a tower that had to be built, so you had to re-assign your archers to either build or defend. If set to build then your progress bar would fill faster, but you would lose a row of archers to help with your defenses... If anyone can give me a download link (freeware game I'm pretty sure) or even just a name that would be immensely helpful. I also believe that left and right adjusted your angle of aim and up and down assigned archers to the defense or build stations... I've looked for hours, so any help is appreciated. 2. an old rouge-like dungeon crawler game I played a long time ago, over 10 years ago or so. Your character was represented by a small symbol (the "#" sign I believe) and I remember that one of youre weapons was a whip. when you activated the whip (it was kind of like a powerup, it wore off after a time) it would spin above your head. I believe that enemies were represented with a period, and they swarmed at you. I believe it would be for DOS, but I can't be sure. I don't remember if there were any other weapons, but I'd forgotten all about this one and it suddenly popped back into my head the other day... and it's a bit frustrating 3. - this links to a foreign language (I think) version of the game, but it is indeed what I was looking for, much thanks to Techno Ivan for finding this one... anyone else?
3. Probably this one? As for me, I'm looking for one Street Racing game, all I can say is that all the cars were pre-customized with body kits and vinyls/decals and that either 2nd or 3rd stage was in snow (first was in the city). There was no damage and the physics weren't that great (cars bounce of each other during collisions)
okay i got this game when i was a kid, Its basicaly a zelda clone game. It was one where you ask white flowers for advice or somthing, and one of the flowers say you have to pay him, because you cut down all the grass on the map thats why you have o pay him, There were difrent maps, one i remember was of an ice cave, and the background music sounded like "Children of the revelution" you know like: WE ARE- WE ARE- CHILDREN OFTHE REVELUTION-- and there were verious elemental animals, one of with was a fire lion- and its not CHILDREN OF MANA the game starts with a B- C- or D- please help