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Games with "Deep" Plot Lines

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Lephantome92, May 29, 2011.

  1. Lephantome92

    Lephantome92 Well-Known Member

    I'm wondering if there are any good ds games which have those storylines that just leave you in awe, like in KH 358/2 days. something where the story really goes far, and not something whimpy. another good example is Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon. Just games with really, really good stories.
  2. ProtomanZX

    ProtomanZX Well-Known Member

    Put that in Rom request or gaming lounge man, this part of the board is for releases only.
  3. joshstyle

    joshstyle Member

  4. vash1127

    vash1127 Member

    Shin "megami tensei, devil survivor"; that one for sure has an engaging story. "strange journey" also, but to a lesser extent
    The english patch of "tales of innocence" is well done and can be fairly long with all the skits. "TWEWY" is another classic as well.
    If you're looking for a newer game with a decent story, "radiant historia" falls into that as well.
  5. Saiko

    Saiko Well-Known Member

    999, Ghost Trick:phantom Detective
  6. Ravte

    Ravte Well-Known Member

    Ace Attorney series, least imo has a deep story, every case in the game usually gets tied up in the last one for you to go "Whaaaat,how did I miss that?!?!"
  7. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    Phoenix Wright, Hotel Dusk, Final Fantasy 4, The World Ends With You.

    EDIT: "Dusk", not "Dust".
  8. Lephantome92

    Lephantome92 Well-Known Member

    Sorry, wasn't quite sure which board it was good for, thought this one good. i guess then if someone can move it, i guess
  9. HeartofSword

    HeartofSword Well-Known Member

    Suikoden Tierkreis. (Nintendo DS)

    You should DEFINITELY play 999.
    Devil Survivor is another gold,but it is HARD;Take your time when leveling up.
    Etrian Odyssey II:Heroes of Lagaard
    Mario & Luigi:partners in Time and Bowser's Inside Story
    Megaman ZX and ZX Advent
    Trauma Center:Under the Knife 2.Love this one ^-^
  10. Lephantome92

    Lephantome92 Well-Known Member

    lol i didn't think of listing 999!! That was a good game, too!! I also did both M&L games (well, still hafta beat the final boss in BIS, but it was good) is TC2 the same difficulty-wise as TC1? I got to one of the surgeries (one of the first ones where you do the star thingy) but kept failing and failing and failing, no matter how long i tried.
    thanks for all the suggestions, guys!!
  11. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    Another Code: Two Memories (Nintendo DS)
  12. ProtomanZX

    ProtomanZX Well-Known Member

    Lets see...
    Dementium 1 and 2 will leave you scared for days on end :p JUST PLAY IT AT NIGHT ONLY.

    999 Of course :p best story I've seen in a long time. Multiple endings.

    If you like Who-dun-it games pick up the phoenix wright series.

    Devil survivor will take ages to complete but it's well worth it. Multiple endings too.

    Ghost trick has a stupid ending but at least the story is alright.

    The World Ends With You is a pure gem, you can't go wrong with it.

    Thats just alittle bit of what I thought up of in 5 minutes. :p
  13. HeartofSword

    HeartofSword Well-Known Member

    TC2 is WAY harder.But has better graphics,story,gameplay and sound/music and everything else
    This is one of the X-Missions ( unlock after beating the game),don't worry,it doesn't have anything to do with the story.No Spoilers.
    I had to literally learn the Healing Touch to get a XS Rank on this misson =/

  14. Fanshii

    Fanshii New Member

    I don't know why you're all saying Devil Survivor is THAT hard.
    It's pretty easy once you're exping only Hero. [40Ma is OP in the early stage of the game] First time playing and I beat final boss only with him. No healers.

    And as for a topic, I think Time Hollow is pretty good too C:
  15. SoulSin

    SoulSin Well-Known Member

    Since everyone is listing only DS games, I am going with it:

    Already recommended that I would recommed as well:

    Radiant Historia (The best RPG for DS that isn't a remake or a old franchise)
    Final Fantasy 4 (hands down the best remake of a classic game ever made for Nintendo DS, and the game is good to add!)
    Phoenix Wright, 999, Trauma center (tired of killing monsters? These ones will make their use)

    Other games....

    Sands of Destruction (may not have the deepest plot, but it deserves his name... I mean, why bother saving the world if you can destroy it yourself? and being the good guy, to add)
    Chrono Trigger (save your friends, travel around time, kill the final boss in the first hours or beat him at the end of the game, time is your friend)
    Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume (Being selected by the "Chosen of the Slain" its the greatest honor for a warrior, but that doesn't change the fact that he died and left family behind)
    Glory of Heracles (may not be the most criative, but a nice adaptation of the greek mithology)

    Other games are Sukoden, GoldenSun and others that I would recommend. But IMO those doesn't have a deep story or plot. Kind of generic.
  16. Pain 2K12

    Pain 2K12 Well-Known Member

    Disgaea Ds