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Games to play?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by dewie68, May 21, 2010.

  1. dewie68

    dewie68 Active Member

    Well i've stayed out of the DS scene for about idk 3-5 months now, and i havent DL'ed much since. So i was wondering if there was anything noteworthy to DL. Not like pokemon or anything like that. Some smaller things and good. I DL'ed monster racers and squishy tanks yesterday and wanna know if theres anything else. (j) games also accepted :)
    I also have WW DIY btw :)
  2. DoctorNDS

    DoctorNDS New Member

    i think fifa 2010 is really good :)
  3. dewie68

    dewie68 Active Member

    Cool i'll DL it. Anything else?