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Gamecube face plate-where can I buy one?

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by mds64, Sep 4, 2009.

  1. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Ok, the lid of the device-the one that say's nintendo gamecube on it?

    The black bit?

    Now you know :)

    Ok-it's interchangeable-and I seen only one other official change of plate-the metroid prime one (with samus on it) as well as a metal gear soild one, a possible zelda one and an unofficial one that was sold with one of those unofficial nintendo magazines.

    I wish to ask-seeing as ebay fails to show results...where I can find any sorts-official or not doesn't matter.

    I tried google-amazon has nothing...

    If they do can you link results back here to save me hassle?

    Now I could buy the rare limited edition metal gear solid one..for $400AUD.

    Which I don't have-and it's gonna need a power converter to run-I hated using that big old thing!

    ...so can anyone help-also gamecube shells-interested in a change of that-preferable just standard shells not gonna use the dvd-r sized ones-thanks in advance.
    Post Merge: [time]1252082121[/time]

    there's a pic of the one from the magazine I mentioned-that replaces the black part on the disc cover.