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Game Idea>>looking for software suggestions, etc

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by freshman27, Feb 16, 2010.

  1. freshman27

    freshman27 Member

    So i have this really great game idea. I wont go into details, except that its main idea is a puzzle RPG in which you use time travel to solve problems and save the day. I plan to call it Every Second Counts. it would be a 2d "birds eye view" style rpg, not to graphically complex.

    I'm willing to self teach, I'm a freshman in Highschool, so its not like i have a lot of responsibilities right now. I get a new moniter soon, planning to buy some RAM and a new graphics card and really get my computer running fast.
    I'm looking for some software suggestions and/or a company willing to help independent game developers get started. Any help would be greatly appreciated. My inspiration comes from this guy in his 20's who made a game all by himself completely by self teaching and what not. I think he's done with it, its called Ben's Game, or something like that. i saw it in a forum and it got me thinking. (and no, I am not referring to the cancer fighting game, while that is inspirational)
    so anyway....er....yeah, help would be much appreciated.
  2. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Probably a good beginning would be RPGMaker, but if you can't get what you want done in that, then I'd recommend using flash and actionscript. Definitely try RPGMaker first though, it's a good starting point.
  3. MitsukaiXxX

    MitsukaiXxX Well-Known Member

    I made a RPG once,took me years though

    I used simple paint progras for the design,then iused python and various other simple free programs.
    But thats the hard way

    RPG maler is very good,but limited :(
  4. freshman27

    freshman27 Member

    ok, ill try both. thanks a lot!
  5. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    i'm pretty sure that was all a joke.

    RPGMaker VX would be a good place to start if you have had no previous experience.