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Game Disappears From R4i

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Twilight Cinder, Apr 12, 2010.

  1. Twilight Cinder

    Twilight Cinder Active Member

    I had just put the new Yu-Gi-Oh! game on my flash cart and was playing it - no problems. I had to go out so I turned it off but when I went to play it again the file had vanished from the flash cart.

    I've never had this happen before @_@
  2. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Does it still exist in the folder in Windows Explorer?
  3. Twilight Cinder

    Twilight Cinder Active Member

    When I checked no it's absolutely vanished.

    But when I went to put it back on the card it said there wasn't enough space.
  4. hans martin

    hans martin Well-Known Member

    is there really not enogh space or does your r4i say shit?
  5. Twilight Cinder

    Twilight Cinder Active Member

    When I had it on before there was enough space. After it disappeared I tried to put the rom back on and it says there isn't enough space on the disc.
  6. hans martin

    hans martin Well-Known Member

    maybe it's because of your savedata.
    but i'm not quite sure about that.
  7. Twilight Cinder

    Twilight Cinder Active Member

    Do you mean not enough room for the SAVE DATA + the ROM?

    I've had that issue before and it never did this.....
  8. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Format your card.

    Backup (copy) all your data to an PC, and format the card.

    Copy everything back when done.
  9. Twilight Cinder

    Twilight Cinder Active Member

    That's already been done and it didn't help.
  10. hot-dani

    hot-dani Member

    twilight i think ur card is screwed this had happened to me the card was screwed had to buy new one I'm Dani from pspiso ;)
  11. saddamsdevil

    saddamsdevil Well-Known Member

    You played on it, so it got sick of your cheating and left.

    Okay, that was a joke.

    plug it in your pc, is the file still there?
  12. Twilight Cinder

    Twilight Cinder Active Member

    lol ohaider.. ^_^

    It's working now for some reason @_@

    But now I need a patch for the game and all the links I find are dead =/

    The game is Reverse of Arcadia. The new Yu-Gi-Oh game

    Yeah it's working now not sure why though.....
  13. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Man you are unlucky...