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Game Cube/ Wii

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by robbecca, Dec 18, 2009.

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  1. robbecca

    robbecca New Member

    Is there a way that I can download game cube games and play them on my Wii? If I can, can someone tell me how plz.
  2. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    You can download games here, but your Wii will have to be modded to play back-up Wii/Game Cube games.
  3. Anakin329024

    Anakin329024 Member

    Re homebrew software "mods" - do they or do they not void warranty?
    Either way, does anyone know a reputable site to download the homebrew software??
  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    First, next time make your own thread.

    Second, anything not made or licenced by nintendo for use on the console would.

    Even software.



    This is just homebrew games/emulators.
  5. Anakin329024

    Anakin329024 Member

    Firstly - I do think this topic is related to the initial query.
    Secondly - Fair call
    Thirdly - Cheers. Will check it out.

  6. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Not really, the user was asking about gamecube games, not homebrew, and obviously is new to this, you have a clue but not the full experience to not know quick jump downloads.

    I don't even have a modded wii, I just go by what I heard and see.
  7. Anakin329024

    Anakin329024 Member

    I concur to an extent. All I know (believe) is homebrew is req'd to play gamecube games on the wii - thus the topics are somewhat inter-related - yet (as you have alluded to) I do not have enough knowledge / experience to comprehend the full process. I'll check out the site you mentioned and see how things pan out from there. Enjoy the remainder of your Friday night :)
  8. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    Whens the wedding and am I invited LOL

    Ace101 has just compiled a tutorial about modding a Wii-check that out.....
  9. Anakin329024

    Anakin329024 Member

    You'll be first on the guest list LookintheMirror ;-)

    Where do i find this tutorial you speak of?
  10. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member


    There are 2 guides here that shows how to softmod a Wii just scroll down to find links, but make sure you use the correct one based on your firmware. If your are over 4.2 firmware then your are out of luck (not sure of 4.3 is out in all areas yet, but read it was released in Europe but either way its due)
  11. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    LOL,come to think of it,Ive not seen a guide on how to reverse the soft-mod if the console needs to go back to Nintendo-as Ive paid for an extra 2 years warranty.
  12. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    This is one of many reasons why i haven't...it would be a waste to have something go wrong, only for nintendo to turn around and say "oh it's been modified it's gonna cost you".

    Don't mod a system unless you know it's dead weight, like overclocking a cpu, no point unless you preety much no longer care about it.
  13. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    I was just fore-warning the OP.You know me,Im gonna buy one to tinker around with and if it breaks-no big deal.Ill just cut down my gambling to losing £400 a week,instead of £500 LOL.
  14. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    yeah. like every else said, you must soft-mod you wii or just use a mod-chip. (voids warranty)

    but you may also brick your wii too as well with the soft-mod. in my sig is a link on how to soft-mod 4.2 wiis.

    if you don't have a 4.2, then that's good! but if you plan on soft-modding, NEVER update your wii no matter what you do.

    there is a GC backup launcher by wiigator, but i never could get it running. (requires a soft-mod)

    if you have any questions this link - https://www.romulation.org/forum/index.php?topic=29153.0 tells you a lot about soft-modding.

    and if you have any questions or anything of the sort, you can pm me and i can help you soft-mod your wii.

    it's dangerous if you have a faulty internet connection or if a file is corrupted, but i haven't bricked mine.
  15. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    Shouldn't be too hard, as it should be as simple as removing and uninstalling what you put on there. I am not too concerned about it myself as my warranty is long expired anyway.
  16. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    go for the chip, the wii wont laucnh any kind ofbackup game, unless you hard mode it, also it wont brick your wii, what can do that is IF you do the next: try to run a softmod to downgrade from 4.2 or 4.0, etc. to a previous version, or trying to bypass the shop channel update
  17. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    you can't downgrade from 4.2 as far as i know. the 4.2 update doesn't allow you to downgrade at all. it was also the heaviest AP update ever in nintendo history. 50 MBs of nothing but anti-piracy patches.....if you can prove that you can downgrade from 4.2, then i will believe you.

    and you can to run backups without using a modchip. i prefer soft-modding my wii than using a chip any day.

    if you have an old gamecube, you can just get a mod chip for that and you won't have to do anything to your wii.

    or you can just play them on an emulators, but you must have a fast computer.
  18. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    I can 2nd and 3rd that one also, As I soft-modded 2 Wiis(4.0 and 4.2) and they play Wii back-ups just fine.
  19. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    I was thinking that if something went faulty with the graphics,and you couldnt see any screens to reverse the procedure....
  20. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    i'm not sure, but if you dop a certain ios, then it can cause the Homebrew Channel to be flipped upside down!!XD
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