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Funniest / Stupidest thing you have EVER DONE!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by burstfiredragon, May 24, 2010.

  1. Okay lets get started with the rules.
    1.don't slag , i hate people that slag.
    2.only post appropriate stuff.
    3.it can basically be anything you have seen , done , or heard of .

    LETS A GO!

    me... well i pushed my friend into the net of my trampoline , he bounced off the net , into me , and i burst the net and fell head-first onto the grass. ;D it was freaking HILARIOUS!! ::)
  2. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    My friend and I dropped a "friend" off at his house down the street.
    Then, we saw a Christmas tree. So we decided to put it in the middle of the road. Then, I came up with the idea of putting it in front of our friend's drive way!!! XD

    The friend that I was driving with lives in a small city and we cleared the west end of town in 4 hours of Christmas trees that were in people's gargabe!
    We only found 17 trees, but it was hilarious!

    I have a grand marquis and the trunk can accommodate a small Christmas tree. So we would put a tree in the trunk, in the back seat, and have some ropes and hooks to drag the other trees along side the car.
    We would drive by and throw the trees in front of his house...XD That was the most fun I've had in a long time!!!

    I have pictures too!!
    If you have a slow internet connection or are impatient, please DO NOT CLICK. This file is 8.5MBs!!!
  3. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    I rode the bike down from the hill full-speed, and hit the fence. It was on purpose and yes, I was drunk.
    It did hurt, but unlike my friend, I got no injures. I have really stupid luck... :p
  4. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    I never told anyone here that Seph's a dangerous fucking egomaniac.

    Phew, four rules in one sentence. I'm on a ROLL.
  5. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    put 4 kittens into a plastic bag, tied it shut and threw it in a river... was fucking hilarious
  6. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    Goddamnit! LK now your going to get all the wee kiddies to crying again, hope your fucking happy!...which on after thought your probably are. :eek:

    I learned that attaching a long fuse to about four bottle rockets aimed downwards inside of the lip of a gallon milk jug filled with a quarter full of gasoline makes one hell of a mess...especially on dry windy days close to wooded areas, the fire trucks were cool tho all the pretty lights and chaos. It was bliss.
  7. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    When I was at camp, we designed rockets that would be filled with water and launched at huge speeds. Naturally, the area had BIG fences, probably 5 stories high, My rocket flew up and away so far that it hit a car passing outside the fence.
  8. 6Toushiro9

    6Toushiro9 Well-Known Member

    I took a 5 cent coin on the ground. 8)
  9. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

  10. daedalus02

    daedalus02 Member

    Tried brushing my teeth while pissing......
  11. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    I do that every morning, whats the problem?
  12. Adam@Adam

    Adam@Adam Active Member

    I put my arm in a thick cardboard tube at school and it got stuck around my bicep, had to got to the wood work room to get it cut out, everyone in class was laughing and 2 people were laughing so much that they were crying. It was pretty funny.
  13. nu885

    nu885 Well-Known Member

    i saved over my 30+ hours of Breath of fire 4 with the intro scene from the beginning ... saving instead of loading i back up everything in 3 slots now -.;
  14. awesmazing

    awesmazing Member

    I lit the same woods on fire 4 times in 1 year... :O
    Post Merge: [time]1275267647[/time]
    oh man, the post before mine reminds me, ive saved over a 300+ hour save in both final fantasy 7 back in the day, and final fantasy tactics A2 for the ds, 30 hours is nothing, you can get over that in 2 days, 600 hours gone to the abyss? It still brings on tears...
  15. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Me and my friend decided that we were going to burn some things. Well, my friend doesn't have a fire pit, nor does he really have anything that resembles one. We decided to set the items in a plastic container (I know, off to a great start), and add toilet paper to get it really going. So, once we were satisfied, the contents were pretty severely burned, and the plastic container was almost melted to the ground, we decided to put it out. After we thought it was out, my friend dumps it all over the neighbors fence behind a shed with a shovel.

    We go inside, try and get the smell off, and just sort of relax. I suggest a walk to try and air out our clothes since the smell was kind of prominent. Well, my friend walks out the front door, happens to look towards the dump site (it is visible from the front door, but the front door is kind of set back), and he just freezes. I get myself outside and look, the fire was going again stronger then it had the entire time. Not only had the fire apparently not been out, but there were tons of dry leaves and grass where we dumped the stuff. The blaze was about a three feet high and threatened to light the neighbors shed on fire.

    My friend runs inside and grabs the biggest pot he has and starts filling it with water as quickly as he cans, while I grab the second biggest and do the same. After about six dumps of water total, the fire was out. We dumped several more pots of water on it to be sure. There were even kids out in the street that somehow didn't notice what we were doing, it was kind of awesome.

    The neighbor found the burned objects a few months later, and a brilliant fireman deduced it had been burned just a few days prior. My friend took all the heat thankfully, and he really didn't get in that much trouble since they didn't know the blaze lit up again where it did.

    Overall, it was pretty stupidly awesome.