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FTP Tutorial

Discussion in 'Tutorials' started by Loonylion, Mar 5, 2007.

  1. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    heya guys, you've all be waiting for this, and here it is: 8)

    First you will need to get yourself an FTP client. This is a program that allows you to work with FTP servers. Googling 'Free FTP Client' should turn over a large selection, and there is also FireFTP (google it) available as an extension for Mozilla FireFox. I would advise you not to use FileZilla, because while I do support Open Source Software, experience has shown me that FileZilla has a tendency to not work properly at times. I will be using FlashFXP in this tutorial; it's not free but unfortunately due to my restricted internet connection at uni (long story) only very few programs of any description work. FlashFXP works so I'll use it.

    Install your FTP client following the instructions provided with it, and use the help file to do the following:

    • Disable PASV/passive mode ('force PORT/active mode' is another way of saying the same thing)
    • Enable upload/transfer resuming - this means if you get disconnected during a transfer it will reconnect and continue from where it was when it disconnected.
    • Set the number of transfer retries to 999 or as high as you can. This is necessary because our FTP server program is currently playing up and frequently disconnects during transfers. We apologise for this and we are trying to correct it.

    Now that you are set up, go to your FTP Clients' site manager or connection manager. In flashFXP this is at the top of the 'sites' menu (highlighted in dark blue on the following screenshot)

    [IMG]screenshot coming soon![/IMG]
    in the connection manager, create a new site and fill in the following details:

    Site name: whatever you want, just make sure its recognisable
    site address/host/host address: ftp.romulation.net
    port: 21
    username: will be in the PM from Seph or myself
    password: will be in the PM from Seph or myself
    Save this site and quit the site manager. Back in the main window, I'll explain what the different parts are. Pretty much all FTP clients follow the concept of having two 'panes', rather like windows explorer, but with a difference. The left pane shows your computer, and the right pane shows the FTP server (in this case RomUlation). There are usually too other panes in addition: the log (you don't need to worry about that, but so you can recognise it its the bottom right pane in my screenshots) and the queue (bottom left in my screenshots) , which holds the files being transfered/lined up for transfer.

    First, we need to connect to the site you just set up. this will vary between client programs, but in FlashFXP you click the lightning bolt above the right pane(ringed in cyan on the screenshot above), and it gives you a drop-down list of sites in the site manager. Pick the one you just set up (HINT: this is what the 'site name' you configured is for)

    [IMG]screenshot coming soon![/IMG]
    you should see a mass of text scrolling through the log, and then a screen like this:

    [IMG]screenshot coming soon![/IMG]
    Now onto transferring files :). In the left pane, browse to where your files you want to upload are (just like windows explorer, its not difficult :) ). Select the files you wish to transfer, and click the transfer button (highlighted in cyan below) Alternatively, you can drag the files from the left pane to the right. In fact, most clients, if you have a windows explorer/my computer window open showing the files, will allow you to drag files directly from there to the right pane.

    [IMG]screenshot coming soon![/IMG]
    Again, you should see text scroll through the log, if not, don't worry; select everything in the queue, right-click and click 'transfer queue' or 'transfer selected' or similar. there should also be a progress indicator somewhere (in the status bar in FlashFXP)

    [IMG]screenshot coming soon![/IMG]
    Some clients allow you to transfer multiple files at once, others do not (FlashFXP doesnt) but don't worry, your program will work through the queue until it has finished. Once it has, you should see an updated right pane showing your files (some clients will update during the transfers), then you have succeeded. Once you are ready to disconnect, the disconnect button is usually next to the connect button. Next time, you will not need to visit the site manager, simply start from where you connected to the site after configuring it in site manager. (HINT, I coloured the word where you start on subsequent uses ;) )
  2. Prototype

    Prototype Well-Known Member

    Nice thanks mate, youre the shiznit
  3. advance113

    advance113 New Member

  4. pablodusud

    pablodusud New Member

    thanks too !!!