I am really frustrated on my search of a movie thru torrent sites... there are many sites/titles but the problem is that there are no seeders, only tons of leechers... i dont even know if the file has been fully uploaded or even loaded at all... I know i can't blame the original uploader because i'm just mooching off him..but well, its really frustrating... Hours upon hours of fruitless search, and when i found one, its on a pay site which i already guess it doesn't have the file to begin with. Just a posser to get you to give your money without giving back the thing you want...I also found a dvd for sale on ebay and amazon but it cost a lot for just one disk due to the shipping and i bet customs will charge me extra for tax purposes.... ahhh.. in this age of technology, i thought it would be easier to find that movie... I found the Ten Commandments which was shown like 50 years ago but this movie i was searching was just produced like 2004 and even got a dvd release on 2007... No rapidshare, megaupload and no torrents... that movie must really have sucked but i found Adventures of Pluto Nash and that was one of the biggest bombs ever produced and it has lots of seeders....damn....
Ever tried, finding your movie on irc? Mr. Ass face, who I was talking about on my "People with no Conscience" thread, used to download Anime & movies on irc if he can't find 'em on torrents.
You cant knock the old classic films-I bet the original was miles better than the one you were after. Watched Robin Hood with Russell Crow,not a patch on the classic with Errol Flynn. And Charlie Chan is much better than Jackie Chan LOL
Ah classic films. Has anyone seen seven samurai(1954)? Even in black and white its easily one of the best films ever made, it wasn't available in any shop. Its Japanese with english subs. It had about 3 seeders, and with my mobile broadband been shit it took a month of non stop downloading. I hate torrents also but what can we do?
I also has this problem in Utorrent, this usually happens cause people are too much selfish and don't share because a lil' slow down speed. The uploader did his part, it's up to the rest to have conscience and let the file on for help the others brothers as others have helped him/her to download it by being a seeder. I tried to find Resident Evil The Darkside Chronicles but there's nothing, and megaupload/easyshare doesn't work here. So I had to buy it in a pirate shop.
well being a hypocrite here i hate leechers even though i'm a leecher myself but i don't think 3kb/s of uploading speed would help alot anyways right? blame the local ISPs monopoly
Torrents? Aren't those the things Media Monopolies Companies grab kids from and sue their lives away?
Gamebox 1.0 This is the movie i was searching.... and still can't find a good download site.... I heard this sucked, but i believe in this " It sucked so bad that its good". I would love to see this....
Hmm can you please specify what "sued" means? *Chris is too much dumb to understand certain words in English
taken to court and made to pay for everything, plus WAY more...let me get a translated word/definition... sue in your native tongue.. processar
I can't do it, not cuz I don't want to, but cuz I just did it one time and was with help of my old teacher. So I won't teach what I'm not 100% in it. So that's why it's so damn slow, I mean, it has the advantage of that you can stop the download, turn of the PC and when you turn it on the other day, you continue from where you've stopped, but the disadvantage is basically, if not mainly this you told. Also even being slower than normal download, it takes all the internet speed, so it's a pain when I'm downloading via utorrent and go watch a video, it's pratically suicide, suicide cuz I gonna die here waiting the video to load up.
My frustration is basically on the seeders, its basically zero... i only wonder now if the damn file has been uploaded or it was just somebody's cruel joke to just make it look its been uploaded. To be honest, torrent has never failed me except for this. I basically got all i wanted, from programs to movies, music to the actual game...i been a member of so many torrent sites and this just seem to elude me... my only plan now is to cough up the doe but the other problem is how much am i willing to pay for this damn movie. If i know the game/movie/music album/program is good, i buy it, not because i want to own it, but to give back to the developers and artist who made them. Before the coming of the internet you have no choice but to buy it, which means you have a big chance of being ripped off with the product that suck. ( Also this was, in my knowledge is the goal of Romulation, to try a game first before buying... yeah, i said buy not pirate ) I can give a list of all the damn shit games/music/programs and movies i been suckered into buying and just had them collect dust or rust.
Using Jdownloader with clients like MegaUpload/RapidShare can allow this too, even as a free user. Plus it doesn't steal all of your internets.
But megaupload and easyshare gives less than 3000 downloads for the entire Brazil country, so it's 3000 IPs, we got historical of having too much people in the internet. So after it's reached, when I go download, it gimme the messeges like "download limit exeeded" when it didn't exeeded, "your ip is downloading file right now, please wait to finish the download" when I'm not downloading shit. The Torrent, the Mediafire, 4shared and 2shared are to onlyt ones that don't f*ck with me.