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front page IRC advert

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by monter, Jul 28, 2008.

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  1. monter

    monter Guest

    Look I think IRC is great but the ad contains the word "Sex" which is inappropriate to children. Plus the word is offensive to people who dont like "sex" who want to see that word at all. Please remove it.
  2. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    That's pretty tame compared to some of the stuff that happens on there...

    Its also one of the few instances where I ever declared my love for someone, so I vote it stays.
  3. Tboi

    Tboi Well-Known Member

    Sex is a(read: the) way of live, it is a simple joke, and for your information: there are much worse ad's to been seen on the net. (i.e. my forum just got spammed with pornvideos).
  4. ricky_

    ricky_ Well-Known Member

    I notice your personalized text says "I'am the milkman my milk is delicious !". Now, besides being gramatically incorrect which is a harsh civil infraction on the internet itself, let's examine your text.

    First, the more direct approach. Milk comes from the milk glands of a cow, this area more commonly referred to as the teat or tit. These are often associated with sexual nuances and are therefore censored on television (at least for humans), whereas the human breasts still produce milk. Thus, the production of milk in humans is censored. Following that thread of logic, do you believe that your personalized text should also be censored, since the word 'sex' carries just as much of an effect as the actual act, surely the word 'milk' should remind you of the human breast and be just as immoral?

    Next, the more vague approach. It is common knowledge that most men can not produce milk, since we lack the milk producing glands that women have. This milkless-man makes your text improbable (outside of an actual milk delivery man, which will be covered in a second)... unless, of course, you're eluding to the only fluid most men can produce, which has a slang of... seminal milk, and that would be semen. Is your personalized text actually an allusion to oral-sexual intercourse?

    Lastly, I think people that trample on mine and others' ability to say what we want or think what we are are offensive. If my weight of judgment is as equal as yours, does that mean that you must go away?

    Personally, I believe the word should stay. If you can't handle looking at the word 'sex' then you need to explore the world, because it's not all cotton candy and children cartoons. Pretending the word doesn't exist won't make the actual act of sex not exist, and your ignorance is amazing to this fact. Not even to mention that kids have seen this word countless times before, and putting it out there for them to view will not hurt them.. ignorance to sex makes them ignorant of their own capabilities, and leaves them lost when knowledge would be helpful.

    If it bugs you that much, get a filter or something. Or better yet, make parents sit over their kids when they're online instead of allowing them to use the computer as a babysitter, and then using the internet as a scapegoat when something goes wrong.
  5. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I think monter's concern stems from the fact that RomUlation is supposed to be PG-13-ish only & in some cultures 13 is still too young for a child to learn about sex, then again in some 13 is adult age so it can be offensive or not based on your perspective. Personally it made me think that RomUlation added an IRC linked chat box in the home element, that is until I noticed that it was in fact an advertisement.
  6. monter

    monter Guest

    I'm not trying to hide from it I just belive there is a time and place for everything and banging on someone saying Milk in you know MILK. Milk is good for you. Now I shall end this post by saying rick_ is igronant.

    P.S my personlised text is not incorrect so screw you Rick
  7. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    I still can't find anything offensive about the word, and most children will know what it means and giggle like morons, or they'll just be like "meh" and download stuff like most people do.

    IRC isn't like the forums or the site since we can say virtually anything without the whole "OMG U SAID A BAD WORD" bullshit.

    Probably why I like it better than the forums at times. :p
    Try to keep it civil, would you? There's absolutely no need to insult him.
  8. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    PG-13... your the only one i've ever hear say that.
    the worst person for non PG-13 on here is the guy who made it. so when in Rome as the saying goes.
  9. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Well it says here on RomUlation's rules, set by seph, that content of posts must adhere to a PG-13 guideline:

    It's true though what Reider said, that in IRC such rules don't always apply.

    Oh & I'm not against the ad mind you, as I said I thought it was actual "live" IRC & thought the sample discussion was a breather from being confined to always watching what you post.
  10. ricky_

    ricky_ Well-Known Member

    Every forum generally carries this warning, even though the content may be far above the standard US ratings guidelines for PG-13.

    There are a few reasons this warning is not valid for this post.

    PG-13 is ambiguous on the internet. Not every country has a movie rating system that is based on the one the US (and subsequently the MPAA) use. To this, it's often known that cultures are different in the world, and being so, what's consider immoral and obscene is also different.

    I'll cut this down: the warning is vague, and generally only exists to prevent the forum from turning into a porn exchange. Other antics like obscenity and even the occiasional link to a nude picture is often tolerated on other forums (NOT SAYING IT IS HERE) that carry the same rules, so long as it doesn't 'cross the line', and what crosses the line is ultimately up to the moderation team, and them alone. Being that, the rule (in my experience) generally has existed only to get rid of those who are seen as a pester to the moderation team and a threat to the community as a whole.

    This it the kinda thing you can only know after frequenting forums of similar type, so for your ignorance, you are forgiven.

    It comes down to this: you can't expect the world to bend to your wishes... not everyone is reading from the same rule-set.
  11. monter

    monter Guest

    oh you little Igronant
  12. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Well, I'd say that this discussion is pretty much over if the last post is any indication.

  13. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Closed. This is fucking stupid. Also Ricky, I love you even more now.

    The word sex is definitely within my definition of PG-13, and we go by my definition. This isn't the 19th century, while we don't have to flaunt sex to children it's definitely not a forbidden word, short of someone posting erotic novels or describing sex I really don't see how it can be so bad. Perhaps I'm just brought up differently but in my world (and thus RomUlation) sex isn't something you deny exist, it's just not something you flaunt.

    Edit: Well I got ninja'ed. My locking rant was better though.
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