How do I find out what my own friend code is? I presume its the same for ever game then that you want others to know your code?...or does it change from game to game?
well i do know that you can usually find your own friend code when youre in the game, and i think its around the options menu of the game (if there is one) but i have had the same question like you: does the code change from game to game?
Friend codes vary between games, and some games have different friend codes according to DS's, but most games allow you to find out your friend code as you progress and make network available.
yes unfortunately every game has its own friend code. I used to just make a list in notepad of all the codes. (i.e. animal crossing: 543345-3453423-435 FFIII :43536-456456-5467456-54 mario kart: 98745-34534-43534534-435) Disclaimer: Not actual friendcodes.
Oh alright thanks guys, i have always thought about this but i didnt know that the codes change.. its kind of pointless though
Not unfortunately, otherwise that would be very messed up. Unless they made you get a friendcode or something just for your DS, and then you register codes under that.
it would be more convenient just to have one friend code.. it would be more organized, and if your friends want to know it, you can tell it to them, like a phone number.. then they can add you with that same code for all the games they have
Yeah you need to find out your code by going Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. then you should know your code
Also dont forget both people need to add each others codes, if you add someones code its useless untill they add yours.
Yep, thats right Almo... I did that in Ultimate Mortal Kombat to all of these people who posted their codes online, and i added them but i didnt get a single person... That is crucial