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Freestyle Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dreamer, Mar 16, 2007.

  1. Dreamer

    Dreamer Active Member

    yo. i'm gonna try to bring this back from the dead
    which is why i'm starting a freestyle thread
    you come here and you bust out your rhymes
    match the flow, don't cost a dime
    next time i'm back i'll set out the rules
    right now i got class, see ya fools
  2. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

  3. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    You're supposed to do a freestyle. :p
    I'll try to make something up a bit later.
  4. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    Freestyle freestyle
    Haven't done this in a while
    Actually..never done this ever
    Next time I'll make it better
    I'll never be as good as Dreamer so..
    (I might as well stop)
    I would like to get a pet lemur though..
    (but I dont think they sell 'em in the shop)
    Ok people...er..over and out
    This rhyme started off well...
    But then really went South..
  5. Reider

    Reider Modereider


    Hey, what's up halfwit, how's your face?
    I know how it's going to be in a minute it's getting hit with a mace.
    I really don't care if you hate this crap
    Cause quite frankly I really can't rap
    I look at this thread and it makes me wanna cry
    But frankly I prefer the idea of watching my bird fly
    So down with this boredom, up with the site
    Before it's all over though, I'll be nailing your wife.

    Yes, yes, I totally suck.
    For those who don't get the bird reference, I'm talking about giving people the middle finger.
  6. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    Oooh thats good man
    Now Im your biggest fan.. ::)
    You can really shake it up..
    But you better watch your ass
    or it'll get itself whooped..

    On a brighter note..
    I got a new coat..
    Fur or some shit like that..
    ...I just hope it aint cat..
    Its all shiny and spruce...
    ...Maybe its moose..
  7. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    What's with the random shit? context is off a bit?
    a coat made of cat? Sounds like you're been sniffing with the rats
    it's time to loosen up
    don't force the words out, you risk people thinking you're a flop
    Of course, I'm not one to be loud
    My rhymes aren't exactly making me proud
    But this is just all for fun right?
    So if you need a challange some other night
    I'll be right over there, way out of sight.
  8. Prototype

    Prototype Well-Known Member

    o.k. now let me show you all how to free style....

    Yo, Yo, Yo, This is Proto--type,
    Im representing LB Here in Caliii--Fórnia,
    There is one thing yo Catz dont know,
    Yo possing stylers know your role,
    cuz the king, king of the catz has arrived,
    now yall hear 1 thing, see 1 thing,
    yall stink like saks of a nut thats been humping a slut,
    which contains crabs in the bush of G.W. Bush,
    Now I must go, cuz the king of the catz,
    The King of the Hill has kittycatz to go hump in the back of your shabby ass seat which you call of a car,
    Now ya Hear, I must go, until the King, King of the Catz, king of Hill comes back,
    with new skills to seal your freestylish, I call of a sizzies
    ;D :p

    Note, Catz meaning you peeps, free stylers....
    Kittycatz meaning hot ass wemen ;D :p

    I know my rapping freestylin sucks ass had to try.... ;D
  9. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Hey not bad, but not sweet
    I totally just roasted a parakeet
    I make random shit up just for fun
    Then I realize that I really need sun
    I'm pale as the moon sadly enough you see
    When I take a piss in a dark room I have glowing pee
    I'm going to stop here before I embarass myself more
    Maybe, just maybe I'll go get me a whore.

    Randomness FTW!
  10. Cynic

    Cynic Member

    Freestyle is something I don't get.
    These semi-coherent words in a set-
    No point, random - an odd sort of prose
    You could consider it art, I suppose
    But me, I don't wanna play the fool
    So I'll think I'll stick to writing haiku.
  11. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    A Haiku is it? :-\
    I think this is a haiku...
    Yep it is haiku

    ...did I get it right?
    Here's another...wrong season but it is my first time...im a haiku virgin..

    September go home
    My garden is watered
    Mother is calling

    Is that haiku?..

    also...how many syllables in inevitable?..i cant get my head/tongue around it..
  12. Dreamer

    Dreamer Active Member

    haikus have syllables going 5-7-5
    now the master is back so y'all better step aside
    trying to be the king when the ace is better
    my words are turn ones, getting the ladies wetter
    step aside fool don't mess with the best
    i'm here as the best from the west
    girls ask me "can we get a kodak"
    afterwards me and her go back
    freestyling isn't an odd set of prose
    it's where the words come out and just flow
    you gotta let the words come out, don't think
    most just feel the beat, the one's that dont' stink
    i'm off, gotta go, peace out my friends
    but be forewarned this is not the end