How many of times your trying to defend something (with words of course) and people tell you "freedom of speech" and you can't do anything about it! IT SICKENS ME! Sure we are all entitled to say our word,'s hypicritical! Here is an example...this one nearly got my dad and little brother into dire trouble! My little brother was talking to our next door (he is kinda annoying...) and he was using some, foul language... Now I know what your thinking, he's allowed to say what he wants online, but we can request to just tell them to use it a bit less right? WRONG! My dad was watching what was going on, so he suggested to my brother to tell him he ain't allowed to even see that language...just because my brother and farther found it annoying that it was a 13yr talking like a sailor! What happened next...well let's say we don't even look at them anymore... From my farthers guess, it seems the fat rat called his mother, because the speech changed from kid to adult in moments, the message was something like this... Them-DON'T YOU TELL MY SON WHAT TO SAY HE HAS FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND WE CAN SUE YOU IF YOUR GONNA PREVENT HIM HAVING HIS FAIR SAY! (dad and brother surprised, brother takes keyboard) -Is that you (kids name)? Them-DON'T CHANGE THE SUBJECT (and this rant buggered my farther, he was brought up the old fashioned way, but he thought it be best if he didn't hang around a kid like did my brother) But my point is, how many times has that whole freedom of speech crap prevented you from having your say (legal complications not required)! (...School and work issues keep to a minimum, you can never say what you want anyway there, social issues or simple chats are what I'm on about)
Freedom of speech is okay as long as you say things in a non-directed & non-assaulting manner. Were your brother & your neighbor on a forum? And if you were, what the hell were the admins/moderators doing. When things like that happen around here, old loony here will not hold back unsheathing the banhammer & the locks of doom. Plus it's strange, you both are neighbors but communicate only online? Well I guess we all have different ways communicating with people
freedom of speech is non-exsistent because if you told the world about something you saw in some secreat base like area 51 then you'd get killed. I should know I've been killed by them on WOW twice
Seeing that forced me to log in. Loonylion, you are WRONG. You yourself commented on how people are brainwashed into believing things, well you seem to have been brainwashed, BNP much? Right, -Muslims do not have freedom of speech like us, cultural, religious and politically. They are judged and if they say anything close to terrorism then they are in trouble right there. -Non-muslims get in trouble for prejudice usually, that if people weren't prejudiced there wouldn't be a problem. You have one of those attitudes that would get you in trouble for talking, political correctness and such are put into place to avoid prejudice and discrimination; it may not be put in very well but it's purpose is just. Now my previous views were different on such subjects but growing up has changed my views, if there wasn't issues then we would have full freedom of speech but until they are fixed rules have to be in place.
After thinking a bit about Loonylion's comment and cjdogger's response I feel that both posts would not exist if freedom of thought and speech existed in the UK. This whole issue in the UK has been muddied by protection for religious expression, which I think is quite wrong. I know exactly why Loony said what he said, and I also understand why cj also has some very valid points. The UK needs some firm legislation on freedom of speech that does not favour one section of society over another. I have always believed in equality and not in multi-culturalism. The BMP promote multi-culturalism as they know it divides communities and promotes ghettoism. Freedom of speech means having to put up with listening to people you could never agree with, but I think that is a small price to pay for what I think is a bedrock of civilisation. I am happy to hear crazy people like the BMP and religious fundemantalists air their ideas, I think it is better to be able to confront such people with intelligent debate rather than try to hide them under the carpet. The media are playing a very dangerous game in the UK by not allowing radicals to speak, when people feel their voice is not heard thay often resort to extreme actions to get attention.
Win. The problem with letting extremists talk is that although most will laugh at their stupidity but some will agree, the government does not need riots and such happening
Off topic. I think that at the moment the government in the UK need more than riots, nothing short of a revoultion will save the country, revolution is nothing to fear as long as the majority are involved and it is done for just reasons. The Uk politicans and their unfair policies have been exposed as a farce, time to get rid of them and the system that bore them.
Political correctness is NOT a good thing. Trash talking Islam is not a breach of political correctness, it is a breach of common respect for other people's beliefs. Banning Christian symbols IS political correctness, it is pandering to a minority group at the expense of a majority group. Likewise, using the word 'chairperson' instead of 'chairman' is political correctness, it is wholly unnecessary. We do NOT need political correctness, only common decency. Political correctness is just taking things too far. Muslims can get away with anything short of actually carrying out a terrorist attack (or murder). Likewise, so can virtually any other minority group. The police and judiciary are so politically correct that they won't uphold the law against minority groups except in extreme cases, because it is 'discrimination' if they do. yes, but there is not always prejudice present. The Political Correctness disease enables 'prejudice' to be pulled out of thin air when a minority group feels hard done by or at a disadvantage, or even when they are flat out in the wrong. It is used as a weapon by the minority groups at times, even though when viewed rationally there is no prejudice involved. Fixed rules are no good when they are selectively applied or ignored depending on who is involved. except it favours the minority groups, and the current political elite. WRONG. The BNP are AGAINST multi-culturism. Multi-culturism is what is destroying the UK, and is encouraged wholesale by the current government, as well as the tories and libdems. Immigration is fine to a certain extent, the UK passed that limit years ago and we still have no border controls. Our infrastructure can't take any more, this country is the 2nd most densely populated in Europe, and also one of the smallest in land mass. Except the BNP are not allowed civilised debate. They are smeared and defamed, and denied the right of reply. most of what you hear about the BNP are lies made up by either the media, or allies of the current government. so much for freedom of speech?
Well that post is too big too quote. Pre-Quotes: Respect? When common culture thinks disrespect can be cool then respect is not something we should be debating. We need rules to prevent such people causing trouble. Quote 1: So the few cases of Muslim extremism or minority extremism is what gives you that opinion? It is actually quite shamed upon using prejudice excuses with many of those minorities. Quote 2: So non minority groups don't commit many acts of prejudism? Yes they do. Quote 3: Yes but it is not the rules' fault is it? It is the people Quote 4: That's his point, not favouring. Quote 5: Multi-culturalism can be benefitial as they will all fade when people are brought together for long enough. The BNP wants culture, the old fashioned ignorant 'British' culture. Quote 6: The BNP like to stir up trouble because that's how they get the people who agree with them to notice them. The media may be bad with stuff like that but they aren't fully wrong
Thats absolute shite. The BNP have promoted multi-curlturalism for years. I totally agree with you that the BMP should be allowed to present their views openly and without predudice. It should be the job of the media to present what people say and do rather than what they think of people. I am quite sure if the British people knew the connections of the BMP to Combat 18 they would never vote for them.
Back on topic: You know, your situation could have been solved by a simple, "Shut the fuck up!" response. You can use your online "freedom of speech" right as well to put your neighbors back in their place. By the way, you can never control anyone's behavior online. That is one of the things your father needs to learn about the internet.
Hypr has a point there. Due to a combination of FoS and a lack of physicality in that conversation, there was nothing your father could have done. However, he probably should have consulted with the neighbour adult over their complete OTT response and ask them how they intend to sue him over an "infringement of Freedom Of Speech". I don't think anyone would be foolish enough to waste cash for a minimal fee and no lawyer would want to waste their time and resources on such a pointless absurd case.
Besides, I personally don't think that an adult would threaten to "sue", or even use that word. Most would use the phrase "take legal action". My guess is that the kid said those things himself just to defend himself. I still remember when my peers used "freedom of speech" and "it's a free country" to defend insulting me and annoying me. I'd like to see them say that in China. BOOMTHOUGHTPOLICE.
Got to love those Chinese people and their supression of what would be classed as basic human rights in most countries... But no seriously, they'll be getting their rights soon as the Communist regime in China is crumbling and evaporating to leave a powerful democratic nation to DESTROY THE WORLD!!! MUHAHAHAHA!
Freedom of Speech probably involves the following: 1. Insults 2. Rights 3. Social Blunder 4. Laws 5. Ethics
Communists and their complete control over incredibly powerful during the 20th and 21st centuries as well as their sparking of wars and protection of naughty countries I say Meh to them! Just not close enough for them to hear me...