Blizzard has just released a multiplayer version of Starcraft 2 where you can play some of the maps and the Terran race, completely for free. If anyone is interested you read more here: Also once you're awesome you can get your ass whooped by me! (if paid people can play with free people)
Starcraft 2 will be played for years and years to come. I'll bet you $20 I'll still be playing SC2 in 2020. Master league baby!
Then how will you get the $20? Thinking things through ftw! Seph, you will be one lonely player. You know why? By 2020, I'm sure Starcraft 3 will be in development, and people will have ditched Starcraft 2 while in hype mode.
That's not how it works. They'll replay Starcraft I and II as a marathon to prepare for the next one.
Are you shitting me? There's still a complete pro scene for brood war with players getting paid hundreds of thousands of dollars every year.
And how much of that happens outside of Korea, or isn't played primarily by Koreans? Koreans don't count.
I think it's even more impressive when it's only one country that keeps it alive. SC2 has gone global like SC1 never did, it'll last even longer. Plus there are still 2 expansions due.
Except when it's Koreans. They keep every semi-addictive online game alive, as online games is all they do. SC2 is popular because of SC1, but like any other online multiplayer game, when the updates stop, the game will die not long after. The only reason the likes of WoW is still around is because they release a new expansion often enough and there is enough new content for new people, that the player base never runs dry. Other games aren't overrun with content like that though.
You are aware that Brood War lasted for ten years, that there were a number of impressive foreign players of said expansion, that patches continued to be released and that Starcraft along with Counter-Strike is one of the primary drivers of e-sports, right? Seriously though, you're also completely disregarding the merits of the game itself, as well as significantly underestimating the sheer popularity of the game. Some months I have to actively decide which tournaments I want to watch. Further to this, there are still 2 expansions due and a huge amount of support in continued patch support. Combine this with the extensive global support (see: Dreamhack, RoG Invitational, MLG) and the growing popularity of e-sports and sponsorship thereof and I see no reason why the game wouldn't be played in 2020. Whether or not the primary drivers of this support are Koreans is irrelevant. tl;dr You're talking out of your ass when evidently you don't know the first thing about the current scene.
Damn, Suis saw through my lack of knowledge of the PC gaming scene! All I know is that the Brood Wars wasn't exactly flooding with activity when I was watching my brother play it a couple years back, and the game was flooded to high hell with hackers that were using just about every hack they could. I can't be sure of the competitive play, but the player base had gone to complete and utter shit except for maybe playing with people you knew or on private servers (provided they were available). I try to not pretend that I know a damn thing about PC gaming, as I dislike it, strongly. I do know what I've seen though, and it isn't the gungho player base being described to me. Regardless, SC2 is just another online game. When the updates stop, people will get bored. A large enough group will stick it out, but it will eventually just fall into the hands of one foreign culture or another to basically keep the game going. This isn't just being against PC games or something, it's common sense. Once you consider that the game will be flooded with hackers once it is late enough in the game's life that the developers stop caring to try to stop them all, and you are left with people just waiting for the next game. tl;dr - SC1 stopped being magnificent and a handful of foreign players that hold the game in prestige don't count as keeping it alive. SC2 is just another online PVP game that will fall into obscurity within three years after the final expansion release.
You've been playing too many MMOs. Of course it's going to burn out eventually, my point is that the scale of the fanbase is substantially greater than what your apocryphal rants would have us believe and so its rate of decay will in turn be substantially slower. Three years? I'm calling five at the least. Also, the BW scene was more than a "handful" of foreign players. Don't know what sort of yardstick you're measuring it against. The fact that you continually mention that it was a non-American playerbase leads me to wonder what you would have thought about it had the BW scene been based in America rather than Korea. So then what makes you think you have any credence above your self-admitted limited view? You've even less than I do when I talk about CoD on the 360 - I talk nothing but bullshit about that.
Judging CoD without playing it is simple. The general opinion is that it is the poop of multiplayer based, first person shooters. Whether it be on PC, PS3, 360, Wii, whatever. The game is always the same. By the same, I mean a mediocre mess made in about six months to generate income that trumps the development costs of the game by some large multiplier. That is a different beast though, and the only people who call these games genuinely good likely haven't experienced good games before. Anyways, my self admitted limited view is still enough, considering it is a view of the one game (I guess two, but one series) being discussed. It isn't drowned in the bias that can be generated by fans of the series thinking it is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Of course, I am talking to a PC gamer. [/stereotype fan boy bs] Also, lol @ rants. I've been stating a view point. I could rant if you want me too, but I have better things to do. Like watch paint dry. Or watch the grass grow. Or watch the player base of an online game start to dwindle. Oh ho! See what I did there? I do enjoy that my initial trolling was eaten up. Blame Seph for that though. :3