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Fossil Fighters shop glitch

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by pokekid, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. pokekid

    pokekid Active Member

    on my verson of the rom when i go to the shopkeeper and selct upgrade tools it says Come again! like its only meant to when you select finish.

    is this just the rom or what? Please help. and i am useing the ttds/dstt
  2. Ad123i

    Ad123i Member

    i think it just a problem on the ttds cause it works perfectly on my r4
  3. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Are you press the correct button? Most games have a Confirm and Cancel button, and pressing cancel usually closes the shop and has the owner tell you Goodbye :)
  4. pokekid

    pokekid Active Member

    no im sure i presses the correct button. i might just put my save on my no$gba to buy upgrades :|