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Forum RPGs

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by NekoHennuli, Apr 12, 2010.

  1. NekoHennuli

    NekoHennuli Well-Known Member

    Since I'm a huge FRPG fan, I started to wonder, am I the only one here.
    So, is here anyone else that is interested in forum RPGs?

    I started to play forum RPGs about eight years ago. I've been playing in dozens of games, and I cant remember them all, but I list here couple of my favorites.

    My first game was wolf game Tsukiharu. My character was white female wolf, named Lily. She was a doulble agent to her own pack and to a pack of wolverines. I played in Tsukiharu coope years, but after the admin started to flirt with my boyfriend back then, I quited and killed Lily by making her fall of a cliff.

    At the age of 15 I started my own game Dimanda. Dimanda was a fantasy game based on town called Dimanda. My character Miriabell was the queen of the town. I really loved that game, and it was such a shame that it only lasted for a year. But back then forum RPGs started to be so popular that everyone was making new games. So Dimanda died.

    My all time favorite af ter Dimanda was my friends game Evil's Playground. It was a semirealistic cyberpunk and a gang game. I had three characters there.
    Miyuki, my most beloved character. She was a lolita and diva, when she arrived to evils playground, but after she gave a birth to a baby she became a really sweet and caring person. Rosiel, my second character was a tomboy with a top hat and a whip. She had a pet dog, Kiba, which follewed her everywhere. Last, but not least, my blonde, stupid bass player Judy.
    I played in EP for almost five years, but half a year ago, we had a huge fight with my friend and she kicked me out of the game.

    At the moment, I'm starting up Dimanda again. We have four players in Dimanda at the moment and it's really quiet there. But I've been thinking that if Dimanda doesn't get up properly, I try to make a new game, and it would be a Pokémon game.
  2. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Someone has attempted to do this not-too-long time ago, but only few interested and know how to play it.
  3. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

  4. sensei

    sensei Active Member

    I'm also an huge FRPG Fan, but I prefer anime styled frpgs (u know, like, the characters have anime pics to describe their appearence or having anime themed plots like fate/stay night or death note and stuff). Anyway I've been playing for about 5 years now and still have a small group to play with. But I normally play in german language since I didn't really find a english group to play with. But I don't really think that this would be a problem.

    I lold.
  5. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Sorry for the ignorance, but what are FRPGs? They sound interesting. :)
  6. hi1116

    hi1116 Well-Known Member

    forum role playing games
  7. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Thanks I'd gotten that much! :p I meant how do you play them?
  8. klosec12

    klosec12 Active Member

    i will play sure!!
    I love RPGs and this will broaden my horizons!
  9. cuccio123

    cuccio123 Well-Known Member

    You'd think the person who made the topic would explain what they mean instead of giving us their lifestory.


    Maybe. But only if you don't make the idea. These ideas you've made make no sense.
    A double agent in a wolf pack?
    A pregnant loli?
    A bass player?

    Come on, really?
  10. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    Like telling a story and making own characters, everything using imagination and typing. Other members create their own characters and follow-up the story.
  11. sensei

    sensei Active Member

    What's wrong with the bass player? I think that one fits into a cyberpunk world, if it has the right scenario. But I agree with the other two, they're just plain weird.

    Yeah, that's it basically.
  12. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Sounds cool
  13. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    This is the third attempt at a forum rpg here...I hope yours goes better.

    Fellow members of romU, if you have any doubts, please save them for lesser members...

    I would like to play, but I'd need to watch for sometime because of my thought capacity and I wish not to ruin this by bring a noob.

    So I'll watch :)
  14. NekoHennuli

    NekoHennuli Well-Known Member

    Yay! Another freak! XD

    Yeah, almost every game I've been in there's option that you can take a picture of some anime/manga character and use it to describe the looks of your character.

    Then we have to make one. :3

    You basicly write a story with other players.
    For example, here's one game from Dimanda.

    Yay, another interested one. ^^

    If this topic causes so much bad wibes to you, why don't you just shut the fuck up then? This topic is for interested people only, and since you only interest is to troll, then get the fuck out.

    In the game, there was a pack of wolves and pack of wolverines, and they were at war. Most of the wolves in the pack never accepted Lily as a member, so she became spy, to both packs.

    In EP, there was a gang Sloth, and they dressed up as a lolitas. And when my Miyuki became a member of the gang she was pregnant.

    Judy was in Wrath gang, and Wrath was a punk gang. She had a band with her brother and boyfriend and she was the bass player.

    No worries hypno dear. I'm not making a game here, I'm only asking, that if there's interested people here, since I'm thinking about making my own Pokémon game forum. :3
  15. sensei

    sensei Active Member

    I'd love to, but right now I'm already in charge of 2 frpgs and I'm taking part in 3 other frpgs. I'd like to join if you're able to present an interesting rpg^^

    Now, now..you don't have to get that aggressive, do you? I don't think cuccio wanted to troll or anything. It's just...your characters do sound a bit unreasonable and they're somehow...flat(in terms of characteristics ). What he's trying to say is, that he actually has intrest in frpgs, but only if the story has depth and really is interesting to read.
  16. cuccio123

    cuccio123 Well-Known Member

    You could always take your weeaboo bullshit somewhere else then.
    It's not trolling as much as flaming.
    Perfectly allowed to post here.

    Don't put words in my mouth.
    I don't care for FRPGs unless I see the forum population is mainly full of good writers.
    I don't care if you guys make one, but so far, it won't work.
    3 failed for a reason, you know.

    But at least put some creative effort into it. Yes, I think your characters are flat, and there's no structure.
    Its cliches.
    Animal war.
    A band with 2 or more family members. And these 2 don't stand out a.t.m..
    And the "joining a gang of children/children wannabe's when your pregnant" sounds like a low-quality 90's comedy

    Take a little more time in learning how to create better stories.
    Pick up a book and look into writer's craft.

    So good day.
  17. sensei

    sensei Active Member

    This line tells me that you actually do have an interest, but only under the condition, that the frpg is , let's say, in high quality with members capable of creative writing. Because that's what I thought you were saying. And it is what you're saying, aren't you?

    I just want to make clear..

    You're saying that we don't have enough people (with good writing abilities) to make things work, so we should just screw it. Am I right?
  18. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    How many people do you need for an FRPG?
  19. dragonclaw234

    dragonclaw234 Active Member

    I love roleplaying. I do remember a computer-style roleplay where this... How about I post the intro from that forum? It can explain better for me.

    But count me in if we can roleplay!
  20. Akuma

    Akuma Member

    Awesome. I was part of this really active anime-based FRPG a few years back and it was fun as hell. Will join if you decide to start something interesting. Not sure if the one I was in will differ in styles than yours, but hey, adaption right?